Mortal portal (poetic thought by GeorgeB)

Mortal portal

(poetic thought by GeorgeB)

Point of no return…

Turn on the spiral, downward,

Faster, faster, faster

The event horizon ahead,

for sole destination,

a circumference –

heavenly blessing –

nowhere in sight… 

12 responses to “Mortal portal (poetic thought by GeorgeB)

  1. dear George, I hope you are well, missed your blog posts 2013!


  2. MM forever…


  3. Nice! It’s the perfect length and pacing to support that sense of “faster, faster, faster.”


  4. “for sole destination,
    /a circumference –/
    heavenly blessing –
    nowhere in sight…” o metaforă deosebit de sugestivă, încărcată de mister şi incluzând o întreagă filozofie a veşniciei.


  5. Dear friend, i have nominated you for the Blog Of The Year 2012. See for the rules of that award: Love, Maarit-Johanna


  6. Oh I really like this one!!! Well said in so few words! Fantastic! 😀


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