Just a Thought: “Commercialism takes away Both Content and form Qualities….”

Just a Thought: “Commercialism takes away Both Content and form Qualities of everything it touches!”


2 responses to “Just a Thought: “Commercialism takes away Both Content and form Qualities….”

  1. Yes it is so contaminating for spiritual times


    • It has become part of life, for younger generations really the only legacy, only thing they know, that it is disarming not to hear it anymore, not like 50, 60, years ago when some were postulating it!
      We can’t forget though, We have to keep reminding ourselves about our true nature, and mission on Earth (aside from what the Bible dare us act upon as superior colonisers…So far, the result of that act turns out to have become our worst nightmare!)

      THanks for commenting Carl!

      From Homo Sapiens, To “Homo Comercians” in 5000 years!




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