Discover me in my pages:
Eu Asa Zic  (“It’s what I say”):
I Think, therefore I am… but thinking too much…Tends to give one headaches…So I take it easy, and I do what I enjoy, to enjoy more what I do… Easier done than said? I know: So watch some posts, some ideas…And above all:  Have fun at it !


This is one way to tell more about me:




182 responses to “ABOUT

  1. Powerfully captivating words of wisdom. I stumbled upon this is a great website you created here and I’m having a great time reading the contents and listening to the videos (the second video doesn’t play though).


  2. Powerfully captivating words of wisdom. I stumbled upon this is a great website you created here and I’m having a great time reading and watching the videos.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good afternoon, George! Hope all is well with you today. I was thinking about some of our online conversations from yesterday. One of the topics was being able to have the ability to block readers/followers we do not care to have follow us. I did find ONE SOLUTION. I know that there is a place on my WordPress account where I was able to enter names of people I did not want to be able to comment on my blog. I could not prevent them from reading it, but I could prevent them from responding to anything I posted. I cannot seem to find it now. When I do, I will send the steps on to you, if you would like. Bye for now! Blessings!


  4. Hi, I choose you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Here is the link for the rules if you wish to do this:


  5. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my posts. I am surprised because I have never experienced anything where someone likes more than one posts.


  6. Thank you for finding me, it led me to you and is nothing short of a wonderful acquaintance 🙂


  7. historicalwritings

    Thank you for following my site it is much appreciated. I notice in your site which I have to say is brilliant, you create links to “The Free Dictionary” can anyone use this site? How does it work? Had a look and found it could help my site on some articles.


  8. Thanks George for visiting and liking my blog. You have an Interesting art here. I love the sounds of piano. 😀


    • Thanks blesario I liked what I saw at your website. I’m glad that you found my the music I posted on your liking. indeed there is a lot of it. Until next time! 🙂


  9. Thank you George for the follow, it is an honour. I really like your blog and look forward to reading and learning from your diverse posts.


  10. Thanks for stopping by my page, I enjoy what you have here! The concept is great!


  11. I have nominated you for an award. If you do not accept wards – no problem. Simply interpret this as my admiration for your tireless work and sharing your wonderful posts with us all. ~ Amelia 🙂


  12. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please enjoy!


  13. Dear George-B,
    I have nominated you for the Inner Peace Award (http://listeningdaisy.wordpress.com/2013/09/04/inner-peace-award/) due to the serene posts you make and the way you structure and operate your blog.


  14. Pingback: Inner Peace Award | Thoughts Trapped on a Page

  15. This has been slow in the coming, but better late then never to overuse yet another cliche. 😉 Thank you for visiting and following my blog 1st of all, and 2ndly thanks for all your encouraging likes. I’ve particularly enjoyed the music clips on yours. Peace and light.


    • Always a pleasure…. I try to find something new each time, or something that I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to: Something unforgettable!Thanks for following! There are no cliches around here as I believe that every thought ever expressed, or even thought of, have been always unique, from the beginning of time, and will continue to be till its end…Language is just a mere, not very savvy conduit, and for that thought are not to be blamed! 🙂

      I’m glad you enjoy the music…Stay tuned for more!
      Thanks for the feedback and for sharing your thoughts here, they mean a lot to me!
      Be well!




  16. Hey george-b, thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to get to know more about the blog.


  17. Congratulations, george-b!

    I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award, thanks limseemin!


  18. Thanks for the follow, george-b, glad we’ve met here.


  19. Hi, very nice blog, really loved it.
    Peace and Love, Sanoj



    Dear George,
    Please accept my nomination of YOU for the SUNSHINE AWARD. The rules for the acceptance are listed below.
    Thank you for the LIGHT you have brought into my life!

    I am so blessed to be part of this family on WordPress.com I am honored to have received the SUNSHINE AWARD from the following two bloggers on WordPress:

    Shaun shaungibson1@sky.com and/or http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/sunshine-award-2/ Thank you, Shaun, for your very kind award! When I visited your blog, I found myself entranced by your courage and strength to accept all that is so very difficult, and yet, you continue to share and to blog and to live life as fully as you can! You are amazing! Your children are blessed to have so gentle a father as you!

    and from…

    HikariYori@rocketmail.com and/or http://daylighttune.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/sunshine-award/

    Thank you, Hikari Yori, for the Sunshine Award. I feel as though I have not earned this…I accept it with gratitude, nevertheless. Your blog strives to bring light into this world, and I hope I do also…even in the sad things that I write. I hope that through the darkness of some of my poems, strength and light are found in their conclusion. Thank you so much! ありがとう Arigatō

    Rules for receiving the SUNSHINE AWARD:

    Include the award’s logo in a post or on your Blog.
    Answer 10 questions about yourself.
    Nominate 10 Bloggers.
    Link your nominees to the post and comment on their Blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
    Link the person who nominated you.

    Ten Questions:

    Favorite color: Ultramarine Blue
    Favorite animal: Dog
    Favorite number: 4
    Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Water
    Prefer Facebook or Twitter? Neither..If I had to choose Facebook
    My passion(s): My family…humanity…truth
    Prefer getting or giving presents: Giving
    Favorite pattern: Eclectic…it changes daily…LOL
    Favorite days of the week: Thursday — week is drawing to a close and anticipation for the weekend! It was also the day I was born–eons ago! LOL
    Favorite flower: Daffodil

    10 blogs to nominate:

    * Kamlesh Oraon http://en.gravatar.com/kamleshoraon and/or scarycloud.wordpress.com


    I have chosen Kamlesh to receive this award because he is not only writing poetry with great VOICE, he is writing in a language that is his second lingua franca to learn! How courageous is that! I admire his fortitude and determination to write poetry and to learn English at the same time! WOW! That is true SUNSHINE ! That is the “courage of light”…and so I nominate him for the SUNSHINE AWARD!

    * Judy Berman earthriderjudyberman

    I have chosen Judy because she brings sunbeams to my thinking. Clarity always follows after I read her lines of poetry or essays.

    * Idealistic Rebel http://idealisticrebel.wordpress.com

    I have chosen Idealistic Rebel because her words have the potential to bring sunshine into the lives of so many who think that there is no way out or any other way to live. Her words offer the hope of sunshine!

    * Dennis McHale http://dlmchale.com/ The Writer Bites My Bones

    I have chosen Dennis because his poetry flows beautifully and wakens my heart to reality — which brings light to my soul!

    * Grandma Lin http://grandmalin.wordpress.com/about/#comment-2688

    I have chosen Grandma Lin for sharing the simplicity of everyday life and the little things that make our lives meaningful as she saw them in her own family’s history. How refreshing!

    * Noeleen & Daniel http://wordsfallfrommyeyes.wordpress.com

    I have chosen Noeleen for the SUNSHINE AWARD for her unfailing bravery…for her courage…for the deep love she has for her son…for the Sunshine she is bringing into his life! and for the sunshine she has brought into mine with her unrelenting valour! You are amazing, Noeleen!

    *Patty http://petitemagique.wordpress.com/awards-and-dedicated-poems/

    I have chosen Patty for the SUNSHINE AWARD for her generosity in giving affirmations to other bloggers! for her gentle expression of hope and compassion! for her teaching us how to do other things with WordPress, i.e.recent how-to print a photo with your poem! Thank you for your kind and soft spirit, Patty!

    * Carl D’Agostino http://carldagostino.wordpress.com

    I have selected Carl for the award for the sunshine his writing brings to my heart! So beautiful and romantic!

    * Seeker http://theseeker57.wordpress.com/

    I have selected Seeker for the SUNSHINE AWARD because of her deep honesty for truth and her constant seeking of the LIGHT!

    * George https://euzicasa.wordpress.com/

    I have selected George for the SUNSHINE AWARE because he strives to bring good things to the LIGHT…the wonderful art and artists of the world. He cares about goodness and in spreading GOOD!

    Please accept and give to 10 others.




    • La fe de pe-aici:
      Sarbatori Fericite!
      Astept cu nerabdare viitoarea colaborare in poezia colectiva! 🙂
      acum ma duc la mozi (pe You Tube!)


    • Am adaugat putin de la mine: Scena valsului din filmul Ana Karenina! Multumesc din inima!


      • Am închis ochii, am vizualizat scena şi m-am lăsat furată de vis… am simţit că eu sunt cea care valsează… un-doi-trei, un-doi-trei….flori de tei căzute printre pletele lăsate libere în bătaia razelor de lună şi o fecioară pierzându-se în oglinda ochilor unui tânăr…
        M-aţi făcut să visez, dar ce păcat că visul nu poate începe decât cu . ” a fost odată, demuuuult….” dar e atât de frumos!


      • Demult cand valurile lunii se asteneau ca azi
        Pe nisipuri stelare


  21. Un gând ce va traversa Oceanul va poposi în ceas de seară şi va aduce urări de viaţă lungă, sănătate şi numai bucurii.
    La mulţi ani!
    Azi la noi este sărbătorit Sfântul Gheorghe. Poate “George” este un pseudonim dar fiindcă acesta este numele de blog, m-am gândit cu multă căldură la dumneavoastră. Toate cele bune!


  22. thanks for dropping in again, george!
    hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend?


    • thanks, I hope you have the best yourself filmcamera999!

      I like your posts, and the work with the classic camera:
      I got some really nice photos with the least automated cameras. never fear negative and print process…While digital opened new doors, it sure closed at least as many.

      Thanks for the feedback!


  23. Hi: I nominated you as a recipient of Liebster Award and you have been tagged. http://theseeker57.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/re-giftingor-white-elephantor/


  24. Pingback: Re-Gifting…or White Elephant…or | theseeker

  25. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, liking my photo, and following my blog! I appreciate it very much. 😀


  26. Thanks for the visit George. Be well.


  27. păi… io zic aşa…!!!…
    mulţumesc pt timp, pe scurt, problema mea, sunt foarte încântat de ce-am văzut pe blogul dvs şi… dat fiind faptul că nu găsesc serviciu aici la Roma şi mă ţine coana mea acasă, am pus-o de un blogărit şi… cu un blog tradus precar în engleză… în trei luni am ajuns la 63.000 de vizite şi vreo… destui… vizitatori…
    nu am bani să cumpăr domeniul dar… tot aş vrea să pun publicitate, se poate oare?
    ce ar trebui să fac? e nevoie să învăţ…multe…
    vă rog să mă sfătuiţi de unde să iau învăţămintele şi concret ce se poate face


    • NIc eu no am (si nu as) platit nimic, dacat ca sa extind spatiul de la 2 la 12 GB. Am invatat totul cand am inceput blogul meu, si numai din ceea ce wordpress publica ca suport, si care e foarte bun (eu, fiind mai in varsta, nu am invatat in scoala de fel computere). Incercati sa folositi toate uneltele care va sant la dispositie gratis, pas cu pas!
      Sper sa va foloseasca!


      • mulţumesc, de fapt asta şi fac, scotocesc, dar văzând un blog la dvs aşa de fain… am zis că ştiţi ,,tainele”…
        încet-încet o scot la un capăt…!
        vă doresc să aveţi bucurii trainice…


  28. prayingforoneday

    Please accept this award
    Tagged In – Blog Nomination


    Thank you


  29. I believe it is a human condition to take many of our blessings for granted. I wanted to take time this morning to say again, as I have posted many times before, my appreciation to you as a faithful follower of my poetry work. It is my hope within its contents you have found peace and a relation of reality in your own life to mine.


    • Thank you John, for the special way feel and express you kindness towards those around you!


      • Truly one of the most heartfelt statements ever related to me. Many, many years ago in my youth an individual related to me that it was a weakness on my part to be too sensitive to people, truthfully, I always felt it was a blessing rather than a curse. Thank you again…..you are a true gentleman.


      • I try, John!I guess what still makes a difference in the world, what it always did, and of which we see lesser and lesser is sincerity. I found many good people here in the blog world, people whom I never met, but I know they are sincere!

        Thanks again John, Have a good night!


  30. Thanks for following my blog! It’s taken a little while to get round to visiting due to social network sites leapfrogging of late! I have a paw in too many for my own Wolfie good at the moment lol 🙂 Anyway, you are very welcome anytime you might choose to stop by 🙂


  31. Pingback: BEST MOMENT AWARD | Ajaytao 2010

  32. I Nominate you for the The BEST MOMENT AWARD
    Please accept & oblige.



  33. dreamingforbetter

    Just out of interest. I nominated you for an award.
    Did it show up ok?




    • It did, thank you, unfortunately, having a lot of other things to attend to I could not get to it. But that does not mean that I di not appreciate your nomination. Thanks again!


  34. Hi George, thanks so much for stopping by and following ritaLOVEStoWRITE. keep blogging! Cheers, Rita


  35. Hi I really wanted to post a comment on your sound of silence post to say I loved …second only to The Boxer! Be well happy and keep doing what you are doing!xxxxx


    • Thanks, I don’t even try ,for a long time now, to put likes and dislikes in order of like and dislikes: there are so many that are on the first place! 🙂 but, I understand. Thanks for the good word, and have a great time!


  36. Thank you kindly for dropping by my blog 🙂


  37. Dear George,

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my posts. it means a lot. I have just started my blog and you are like an inspiration. to be very true your likes actually encouraged me to write more. It means a lot. I am exploring your blog and its very interesting. 🙂


    • Thanks eternalcadence, for taking the time to give me this marvelous feedback-it means a lot to me. It was a pleasure visiting your site, and finding out more about your dreams. I was actually thinking that you were very inspired, and like what you did in short period of time. I am awaiting with interest your new ideas, and hope I’ll continue to be an inspiration to you!


  38. Thanks for dropping by and liking my posts. I certainly have a lot of material to cover in yours. Be well.


  39. Nice reading about you.

    Thanks. for visiting my blog Ajaytao2010@wordpress.com. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.


  40. Hello George,

    I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. I would like to thank you because you continue following my blog. I hope my short stories and poetry do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride. Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


  41. Pingback: “Blog Of The Year” Award « My Travels & Photography

  42. Congratulations, George!

    I have nominated your blog for the Blog of the Year 2012 Award.

    The rules of the award are at

    Blog of the Year 2012 award, thanks Russell!

    Well deserved! Enjoy 🙂


  43. Dear friend, I have nominated you for the “Blog Of The Year 2012” award. See for the rules of that award at my post :

    “Blog Of The Year” Award


  44. You have a great voice. Rich and baritone…resonant.


  45. I have really enjoyed your blog and have nominated you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award: http://esengasvoice.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/time-to-say-thank-you/


  46. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog


  47. You’ve Been TAGGED By ME, TURKEY!!!.
    Come To My Blog To Find Out More Details!!!


  48. Congratulations, I just nominated you for “One Lovely Blog Award”:

    One Lovely Blog Award


  49. Taken by surprise by your video poem George! : D


  50. I’ve enjoyed exploring your blog…thank you for that opportunity.
    Thanks too for taking a peek at my bird card and my mission with it!


  51. hey George-b! A small mark of appreciation by an admirer => http://ofglassandpaper.com/2012/08/23/the-beautiful-blogger-award/ :-))


  52. I noticed you left a LIKE on one of my posts…….but I didn’t notice it for a while. So don’t know when it was.
    I don’t think I have visited your blog before. I am sure I would have remembered the wallpaper. LOL Very cheery.
    Happy Blogging! 🙂


  53. george, I’ve mentioned you in my blog. If you get a chance, check it out.




  54. Thank you for your many visits to my blog. Am enjoying yours very much.


  55. What an absolute delight. One’s story in the sand. The tide rushes in and you write a new chapter. Truly the never ending story of your life. Bravo. Virginia


    • Thank you, we are indeed always stepping in somebody else’s footsteps, even though the mark has been effaced by the passage of time. Sometimes, if we’re lucky we can throw a glimpse into freshly left prints: I was lucky that day! I hope for more!

      Thanks Virginia!


  56. Lovely intro … 😉


  57. Peace signs in the sand. LOVE THEM!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed your musical flash mob.


    • Thanks Gemma: this what happens when parent spend quality time with their children: bottlenecks, and Peace signs in the sand, but the memories are carved in their souls, like in stone, forever!


  58. Thank you so much for following my blog! I am delighted that it brought me here. I had a lot of fun looking around, today. : )


  59. I’m hooked ! i love your blog.


    • Thank you so much, I will have to reserve more space, and rent more chairs, even though I encourage workout based on standing, rather than seatting…:)

      Expect regular visits at your marvelous website! Thanks again for joining!


  60. Thank you so much for following my blog! Warm greetings from Finland 🙂


  61. Thanks for subscribing to my blog. You are welcome 🙂


  62. I realize this is two in one day, but your blog is so deserving of this award. I nominate you for the H.U.G. Award for your page is a page full of hope. Please go here to see what to do and congratulations. I can not think of a more deserving blog. http://workthedream.wordpress.com/2012/03/15/6000/


  63. Congratulations. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please go to my page here http://workthedream.wordpress.com/2012/03/15/the-versatile-blogger-award-and-the-tmi-award/ to see what to do.


  64. Pingback: ABOUT | euzicasa | Four Blue Hills (A repository, of sorts)

  65. we should play together guitar and harmonica – or discuss about politics!


    • I would like that, but I think I would embarass everybody, including the harmonica: I’m not good at all, and we’re still oceans and continents apart. I do enjoy your playing the banjo and the guitar. I’m really happy that we got to have this opportunity for chats. We live wonderful times, all the political bruhahaha let aside. Thanks for your comments!


  66. Dear George,

    My name is Margaux, and I am writing to you from Survival International. I just wanted to thank you for your recent coverage of the newly discovered uncontacted tribe in the Javari Valley. Raising awareness of tribal peoples’ issues is crucial to guaranteeing their rights, and coverage such as yours is the best way to achieve this.

    Would you be interested in receiving our press releases on the issues of tribal peoples globally? I am happy to add you to our list, or alternatively, you can sign up and specify by interest here, if you wish:

    Again, thank you so much for your coverage.

    All the best,


    • Thanks for your mention Margaux. I know that above all, and beyond individual survival, each one of us, want to belong to a family, and carry on its tradition: Our life depends on it, our collectiv memory. This happens in on the asphalt jungle, just as it does in the Rain Forest, except that in that natural habitat, people don’t have, on top of everyday hardship, to keep his tradition, and adapt to the the new landscape: of course there is loss. I will continue to find out more about your work, because like I said, tradition is what we are.


  67. and in Bucharest, behind the Iron Curtain, you heard on the radio The Animals and The House Of The Rising Sun?

    House of the Rising Sun


  68. I like your Seal Beach Sand Self-Description – found your youtube channel and made a connection there to http://www.youtube.com/frizzguitar – you are very active with broad interests: music + politics = splits?


    • Thanks, I try to… Not too good at splits, but without music where would we be. Istill need to take a lesson or two on the guitar from your Youtube. I’m sorry I did not get yet to do that.


      • He has some of the best ever instrumental music. I’m still searching for one tune, at least, that I forgot the name, while I still vividly remember the music. I can wistle, I can sing it, or even play it on my harmonica, but unfortunately I never learn to play the guitar. Thanks for your kind comments, and your interest.


  69. hi George,
    I’ve mentioned you in my list at
    greetings from Germany, frizztext


  70. “So smile when you cry inside, and smile when you don’t know why, and show the world the one that God intended you to be.” – A brilliant person once posted this lovely thought in a comment on my blog. Happy Holidays, George! May the new year be filled with joy, laughter and peace for you. Dara


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