Tag Archives: charles baudelaire




The vaguely defined field of psychogeography involves reflection on the effect of environment on one’s emotions and behavior. The concept emerged in the 1950s when French Lettrists and Situationists, finding contemporary architecture physically and ideologically restrictive, reimagined the city. Their perspective likely descended from the Dadaists and Surrealists while also drawing upon Charles Baudelaire’s concept of urban wandering. How is psychogeography relevant in the modern world? More… Discuss



Today’s Birthday: GEORGE SAND (1804) and Reverie from Collections: “Tales of the Cities”

George Sand (1804)

Born Amandine Dupin, Sand was raised in a strict household but began to rebel after spending time in a convent. She wore men’s clothes and urged women to live as men did. In 1836, she divorced her aristocratic husband and moved to Paris with their two children, supporting them by writing some 80 novels. Under her pseudonym, she became a star of the French literary scene, drawing admiration from Gustave Flaubert and vitriol from Charles Baudelaire. What famous composer was Sand’s longtime lover? More… Discuss

Collection: Tales of the Cities
by Various

This is a collection of city stories, fiction or non-fiction, in English and published before 1923. Contributions have been chosen by the reader himself. Summary by BellonaTimes.