Tag Archives: Dream Well

Dream well (poetic thought by George-B) and Dream a little dream of me Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong)

Dream well (poetic thought by George-B)

They take your dream, undress it
and turn it into theirs
they take your dream, and dress it in

another one’s costume

 They put your dream up at auction,
Hoping behind the scenes,
You’ll not suspect it, 
they think it is  well worth it

You know your dream was not for sale,
you never though of parting with
Just hoped well deep into your well
Its freshness be thirst quenching

 Your thirst, never appeased 
for just another dream come true,
Your prayer to the gods of dreams, 

your wondrous masterpiece-
The dream long time in waiting .

  • Dreamer (furgleland.wordpress.com)
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