Tag Archives: Louis

today’s birthday: Louis XIV of France (1638)

Louis XIV of France (1638)

The “Sun King,” Louis XIV, ruled France for 72 years, longer than any other major European monarch. A strong believer in dictatorship by divine right, he viewed himself as God‘s representative on Earth and became the archetype of the absolute monarch, reigning over a highly centralized state. He waged several wars, built one of Europe’s most elaborate palaces at Versailles, and was a great patron of the arts. What is the meaning of “L’état, c’est moi,” a remark long attributed to Louis? More… Discuss

This Day in the Yesteryear: Louis XIV of France Moves His Court to Versailles (1682)

This Day in the Yesteryear


Louis XIV of France Moves His Court to Versailles (1682)

During his reign, King Louis XIV moved his court and government offices to Versailles. The palace is one of the largest and most lavish ever built. At a time when mirrors were some of the priciest luxury items to acquire, Louis installed an entire hall of them. The grounds feature fountains, reservoirs, sculptures, temples, grottoes, and even two smaller palaces. Louis’s motive for the move is thought to have been a desire to more closely monitor the nobility. Why did he feel this was necessary? More… Discuss

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Today’s Birthday: ANNE OF AUSTRIA, QUEEN OF FRANCE (1601)

Anne of Austria, Queen of France (1601)

Neglected by her husband, French King Louis XIII, Anne of Austria stirred up controversy with flirtatious indiscretions. After her seemingly treasonous correspondence with Spain, her husband’s principal minister, Cardinal Richelieu, attempted to limit her influence. When Louis died, Anne was declared sole regent of their son, Louis XIV—contrary to her husband’s wishes—and strove to ensure his absolute power. What did she do that was hailed at the time as “a marvel when it was least expected”?More… Discuss