Tag Archives: pills

Leonard Cohen – Book of Longing (KCRW Demo Version)

I can’t make the hillslonging-il
The system is shot
I’m living on pills
For which I thank G-d

I followed the course
From chaos to art
Desire the horse
Depression the cart

I sailed like a swan
I sank like a rock
But time is long gone
Past my laughing stock

My page was too white
My ink was too thin
The day wouldn’t write
What the night pencilled in

My animal howls
My angel’s upset
But I’m not allowed
A trace of regret

For someone will use
What I couldn’t be
My heart will be hers

She’ll step on the path
She’ll see what I mean
My will cut in half
And freedom between

For less than a second
Our lives will collide
The endless suspended
The door open wide

Then she will be born
To someone like you
What no one has done

She’ll continue to do
I know she is coming
I know she will look
And that is the longing
And this is the book




Vitamin D Supplement Dosages Unreliable

Vitamin D deficiency is easily treatable with oral supplements, but many patients may not be getting the proper dosage, and this could be putting their health at risk. An analysis of vitamin D supplements on the market in the US revealed that dosages vary widely regardless of what is listed on the label. Over-the-counter, bottled pills were found to contain between 52 and 135 percent of their advertised vitamin D content, while those produced by compounding pharmacies contained as little as 23 percent and as much as 146 percent of the labeled amount. More… Discuss