Tag Archives: Rembrandt

today’s hoday: Leiden Day

Leiden Day

In 1573, the Dutch city of Leiden (or Leyden) was besieged by the Spaniards. Thousands were dying from disease and hunger. Finally, the river dikes were cut so that the Dutch army could sail in over the flooded fields and save the city. According to legend, the first person to emerge from the besieged city on October 3 was a young orphan boy. In the deserted Spanish camp, he discovered a huge pot of stew that was still hot. Known as Hutspot met Klapstuk, the mixture of meat and vegetables is still served on this day, along with bread and herring. More… Discuss

today’s birthday: Rembrandt van Rijn (1606)


Rembrandt van Rijn (1606)

Rembrandt is considered one of the greatest European painters. Early on, he displayed an interest in the “spotlight effects” of light and shadow that dominate his later paintings and began the studies of his own face and the more formal self-portraits that make up much of his painted and etched work. After moving to Amsterdam around 1631, he quickly became the city’s most fashionable portrait painter and a popular teacher. However, he went bankrupt in 1656. What had happened to his money? More… Discuss