Tag Archives: Simone de Beauvoir


Graves of Sartre and Beauvoir

Graves of Sartre and Beauvoir (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Simone de Beauvoir (1908)


De Beauvoir was a prominent French writer and feminist, as well as a leading existentialist. Among her most celebrated works is the profound analysis of the status of women The Second Sex, which was completed in 1950 and has become a classic of feminist literature. De Beauvoir is also noted for her lifelong polyamorous relationship with famed existentialist thinker Jean-Paul Sartre, whom she met while studying at the Sorbonne. What had de Beauvoir wanted to do with her life until age 14? More… Discuss



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Today’s Birthday: JEAN-PAUL SARTRE (1905)

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905)

Sartre was a French philosopher, playwright, and novelist who became the foremost exponent of existentialism in the 20th century. His first novel, Nausea, was one of many works depicting man as a lonely being burdened with a terrifying freedom. He served in World War II, was taken prisoner, escaped, and was involved in the French resistance, during which he wrote multiple works. In 1964, he became the first person to voluntarily decline the Nobel Prize in Literature. Why did he refuse it? More… Discuss

A 1967 interview with Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. De Beauvoir discusses her memoirs and her book The Second Sex. Sartre discusses his reasons for refusing the Nobel Prize in Literature, his opposition to the Vietnam war, and his then-current project on Flaubert.

Documentary on Simone de Beauvoir

1959 Interview with Simone de Beauvoir

Interview with Simone de Beauvoir on “Why I am a Feminist”

Remembering Simone de Beauvoir: Betty Friedan and Kate Millet

Daughters of de Beauvoir Part 1

Daughters of de Beauvoir Part 2