Tag Archives: United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

THIS PRESSED for your right to know: Homeland Security braces for flood of immigrants seeking work permits|The Truth23.com

WASHINGTON — The Homeland Security Department appears to be preparing for an increase in the number of immigrants applying for work permits after President Barack Obama announces his long-promised plans for executive actions on immigration reform later this year.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services confirmed to The Associated Press that it has published a draft contract proposal to buy the card stock needed to make work permits and Permanent Resident Cards, more commonly known as green cards. The proposal calls for providing material for at least 5 million cards a year, with as many as 9 million “during the initial period … to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements.” The contract calls for as many 34 million cards over five years.

USCIS, the Homeland Security agency that oversees immigration benefits, produces about 3 million work permits and Green Cards annually, so the new contract would at least provide the Obama administration with the flexibility to issue far more work permits or green cards even if it chose not to exercise that option.

USCIS spokesman Christopher Bentley described the proposal posted earlier this month a routine contract solicitation.

“Solicitations of this nature are frequent practice,” Bentley said. He said the number of immigration applications can rise “for any number of any reasons.”

The contract proposal was first reported by the online news site Breitbart.com.

Obama said earlier this year that he would act on his own if Congress failed to pass immigration legislation. He has twice delayed making any changes, saying as recently as last month that he would hold off on executive actions until after November’s midterm elections.

via| Homeland Security braces for flood of immigrants seeking work permits.

Order for millions of blank work permits, green cards raising amnesty concerns | Fox News

A government print order for as many as 34 million blank work permits and green cards is raising concern that the Obama administration could be preparing an executive order for amnesty after the November election.

An online solicitation by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services seeks vendors that can produce a minimum 4 million cards per year for five years, and 9 million in the early stages.

If the numbers reported by Breitbart.com on Monday are correct, they are vastly larger than official estimates of 12 million illegal residents in this country.

Order for millions of blank work permits, green cards raising amnesty concerns | Fox News.