Today’s Birthday: Emily Dickinson (1830)

Emily Dickinson (1830)

Dickinson is widely considered one of the greatest American poets. After attending Amherst Academy and Mount Holyoke Seminary, she returned to her family home and spent the rest of her life there, writing. By 1860, she was boldly experimenting with language. Few of her poems were published in her lifetime, but after her death, her cache of poems was discovered, and heavily edited collections were published starting in 1890. It was not until what year that an unaltered collection was published? More… Discuss


English: Grave of Emily Dickinson in Amherst, ...
Image via Wikipedia
Dickinson wrote and sent this poem (

Image via Wikipedia

4 responses to “Today’s Birthday: Emily Dickinson (1830)

  1. Pingback: The Gift in Wanting – Water, is Taught by Thirst « A Friend to Yourself

  2. Pingback: Yesterday Was Emily’s Birthday « Becoming is Superior to Being

  3. the name of our cat is
    but she can’t write at all…


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