
New photos from the trail: Of snakes, landscapes, flowers, rosemary and sage (my photo collection)

A smog free day following three days storms, with high winds.

A smog free day following three days storms, with high winds.

CAM01647 CAM01648 CAM01650 CAM01651 CAM01652 CAM01654 CAM01656 CAM01658 CAM01659 CAM01660 CAM01661 Rattle snake crossing: YIELD! CAM01663 hard to see...but the snake is there.. And another rattle snake...

same snake well hid in the bush

same snake well hid in the bush

same snake well hid in the bush

same snake well hid in the bush

same snake well hid in the bush

same snake well hid in the bush

wild flowers, and aroma of rosemary and sage

wild flowers, and aroma of rosemary and sage

CAM01672 CAM01673

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