Quotation: Francis Bacon – “…But men must know…”

But men must know, that in this theater of man’s life it is reserved only for God and angels to be lookers on.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Discuss

2 responses to “Quotation: Francis Bacon – “…But men must know…”

    • I don’t know: Is there a E-mail for that? i didn’t receive it! 🙂
      seriosly now: thigs don’t change, just because time passes, and mentality is the hardest thing to change..for better. so there you have it: Politics moves to the right, when nothing at the left counterweights it…
      and with it: the way we have to pretend we don’t care wht happens around (it’s safer that way…since the beyond is more reliable in leaving us alone! 🙂

      Happy New Year!

      Liked by 1 person

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