Tag Archives: Buying Healthy Bread | Choosing the Healthiest Bread |via Vegetarian Times

Buying Healthy Bread | Choosing the Healthiest Bread |via Vegetarian Times

How to Buy Healthy Bread

Kate Hahn loves bread so much that on occasion her boyfriend has kept quiet after buying a loaf just to be sure there would be enough for lunch the next day. It’s a lifelong fondness for Hahn, who grew up baking homemade bread. Now in her 30s and navigating the busy life of a writer in Los Angeles, she’s content to buy it. Whether she brings home rustic rolls or her favorite loaf of sourdough, one thing is certain: “It will be eaten,” she says, laughing. “If there is good bread in the house, it’s usually gone that night.”

Buying Healthy Bread | Choosing the Healthiest Bread | Vegetarian Times.