Tag Archives: Jeff Larson

this pressed for your right to know: Podcast: When U.S. Companies Help the NSA – ProPublica

A year and a half into the release of classified documents by Edward Snowden, the existence of far-reaching National Security Agency surveillance is common if controversial knowledge.But until The Intercept published new documents this month, the role of American companies in that surveillance was less than clear, ProPublica’s Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson tell Editor-in-Chief Steve Engelberg in this week’s podcast.The new documents describe “contractual relationships” between the NSA and unnamed U.S. companies and reveal that the NSA has “under cover” spies working at or with some of them. And indeed, it would be difficult for the NSA to do its work without their help, Larson says.

via Podcast: When U.S. Companies Help the NSA – ProPublica.

NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies – ProPublica


Documents describe “contractual relationships” between NSA and U.S. companies, as well as undercover operatives at some U.S. companies.

via NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies – ProPublica.

ProPublica: temp_injuries_grabell.mp3



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