Tag Archives: Narciso Yepez

“Los Grandes Compositores” CASSETTE #76: Albéniz – Granados – Falla : make music part of your life series


“Los Grandes Compositores”  CASSETTE #76: Albéniz – Granados – Falla

This video is a scan of the cassette #76 of the encyclopedic collection “The Great Composers”, published in 1982 by the “Encyclopedia Salvat” in collaboration with the “Record Label Philips”.

All rights reserved copyright both Salvat and Philips.

This video has a didactic purpose only, to see if the process is correct fingering and listening acceptably. The user interaction will be helpful to learn more in the digitization process; most cassette will come in the future, I hope your feedback about it. Thank you.

Narciso Yepez en la guitarra, interpreta: [Narciso Yepez on guitar, plays:]

Isaac Albéniz:

Pista 1(track 1) – Suite española, Op. 47 #5 “Asturias” (Leyenda) [Spanish Suite, Op 47 # 5 “Asturias” (Leyenda)]

Pista 2(track 2) – Recuerdos de viaje, Op. 71 #6 “Rumores de la caleta” (Malagueña) [Souvenirs, Op 71 # 6 “Rumors of the creek” (Malagueña)]

Pista 3(track 3) – Piezas características, Op. 92 #12 “Torre Bermeja” (Serenata) [Characteristic Pieces, Op 92 # 12 “Torre Bermeja” (Serenade)]

Pista 4(track 4) – España, Op. 165 #3 “Malagueña” [Spain, Op 165 # 3 “Malagueña”]

Enrique Granados:

Pista 5(track 5) – Danza española #4 “Villanesca” [Spanish Dance # 4 “Villanesca”]

Manuel de Falla: El sombrero de tres picos, danzas: Interpretado por la Orquesta de la Radio de Berlin, dirigidos por el Sr. Lorin Maszel [The three-cornered hat, dance: Performed by the Orchestra of Radio Berlin, conducted by Mr. Lorin Maazel]

Pista 6(track 6) – Fandango

Pista 7(track 7) – Seguidillas

Pista 8(track 8) – Farruca

Pista 9(track 9) – Jota