Tag Archives: Old World

this pressed for your right to know: Obama Plans to Let Ebola-infected Foreigners Into U.S. for Treatment – Judicial Watch

English: Barack Obama signing the Patient Prot...

English: Barack Obama signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act at the White House Español: Barack Obama firmando la Ley de Protección al Paciente y Cuidado de Salud Asequible en la Casa Blanca (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Distribution of Ebola and Marburg virus in Afr...

Distribution of Ebola and Marburg virus in Africa (note that integrated genes from filoviruses have been detected in mammals from the New World as wellWikipedia)

Schematic showing pathogenesis of Ebola

Schematic showing pathogenesis of Ebola (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With his family by his side, Barack Obama is s...

With his family by his side, Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th president of the United States by Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts, Jr. in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2009. More than 5,000 men and women in uniform are providing military ceremonial support to the presidential inauguration, a tradition dating back to George Washington’s 1789 inauguration. VIRIN: 090120-F-3961R-919 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Obama Plans to Let Ebola-infected Foreigners Into U.S. for Treatment – Judicial Watch

today’s holiday: Jordbruksdagarna


The town of Bishop Hill, Illinois, was founded in 1846 by a group of Swedes fleeing religious persecution in the Old World. Their leader, Eric Jansson, sailed across the Atlantic with 1,200 followers to form the colony. Many of the descendants of the original colonists still live in Bishop Hill or nearby towns, and they continue to celebrate a number of traditional Swedish holidays. One of these is Jordbruksdagarna, or Agricultural Days, a two-day celebration featuring harvest demonstrations, 19th-century crafts and children’s games, and ample servings of Colony Stew. More… Discuss