Tag Archives: Pasadena

Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal – St. Olaf Choir

2013 Winter Tour, Pasadena, CA.



Rare “Corpse Flower” Blooms in Belgium

The Titan arum is a sight to behold—and a novelty to sniff. It is one of the world’s largest flowers, as well as one of its worst-smelling. Popularly known as the “corpse flower” for its stench, which is akin to that of rotting meat, it flowers infrequently and only for three days before waning. Thus, for the past few days, people have been flocking to the National Botanic Garden of Belgium to catch a glimpse, and a whiff, of its rare, 8-foot (2.44 meter) bloom. This is the third time since 2008 that the garden’s specimen has flowered. More… Discuss

604_5pm_full Such a flower “resides” (so to speak) at the Huntington, Library, in Pasadena, California. It is called “Amorphophallus titanum” , name that doesn’t impart any stench 🙂 >>>>>Check them HERE<<<<<