Tag Archives: rolex

Nouvelle Cuisine

Nouvelle cuisine is a school of French cooking that seeks to bring out the natural flavors of foods and uses light, low-calorie sauces and stocks. Based on the style of chef Fernand Point, it was developed in France in the 1960s and marked a departure from the rich preparations of haute cuisine, which emphasizes butter and cream. Though nouvelle cuisine is less popular today, its influence is still widely felt. What is its approach to food presentation? More… Discuss

word: clandestine


Definition: (adjective) Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
Synonyms: hush-hush, cloak-and-dagger, undercover, underground, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, secret, surreptitious
Usage: The clandestine affairs of the congressman are being investigated by the ethics committee. Discuss.

Would Jesus Wear a Rolex?

Do my “profits” no harm….
Would Jesus Wear a Rolex
Performed By: Ray Stevens
Written By: Chet Atkins and Margaret Archer