Tag Archives: h l mencken


Norway Planning Ship Tunnel Project

Norway already boasts the world’s longest road tunnel, and it soon may have the world’s first proper ship tunnel. The Norwegian government is backing a $300-million (1.7-billion-kroner) plan to construct a tunnel linking theNorwegian Sea to the North Sea beneath the mountainous Stad peninsula. Upon completion, the tunnel will be able to accommodate 16,000 tonneships. The plan was first proposed in the 19th century, but financial considerations shelved it until now. More… Discuss


Today’s Birthday: Henry Louis “H.L.” Mencken (1880)

Henry Louis “H.L.” Mencken (1880)

Often regarded as one of the most influential American writers of the early 20th century, Mencken was a journalist, satirist, social critic, and cynic known as the “Sage of Baltimore,” for the city where he lived his entire life. Perhaps best remembered for his satirical reporting on the Scopes evolution trial, which he dubbed the “Monkey trial,” Mencken was frequently critical of myriad institutions. Why did the Arkansas legislature pass a motion in 1931 to pray for Mencken’s soul? More… Discuss