Today’s Birthday: Henry Louis “H.L.” Mencken (1880)

Henry Louis “H.L.” Mencken (1880)

Often regarded as one of the most influential American writers of the early 20th century, Mencken was a journalist, satirist, social critic, and cynic known as the “Sage of Baltimore,” for the city where he lived his entire life. Perhaps best remembered for his satirical reporting on the Scopes evolution trial, which he dubbed the “Monkey trial,” Mencken was frequently critical of myriad institutions. Why did the Arkansas legislature pass a motion in 1931 to pray for Mencken’s soul? More… Discuss

6 responses to “Today’s Birthday: Henry Louis “H.L.” Mencken (1880)

  1. I love reading quotations of Mencken. Funny and thoughtful at the same time. I want to pick out a favorite quote but each one is better than the last. Where are the people that write like him today?

    I like to read but am really not well read. Always seem to find the mediocre. Thanks for reminding me to include Mencken on my list.


    • Very good question: I think we emulate our environment culturally more than we realize, and become it. We are exposed to things, and have no time to research on our own. It’s like we listening to one of those radio stations playing 4,5 tunes, over and over and in the same order. Thanks for commenting


  2. Inherit the Wind is one of my favorite movies!


  3. Thanks. I’ll check him out.


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