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Article: The Lyre (evolution of music and ancient musical instruments)

The Lyre

The lyre is a stringed instrument of the harp family that has two curved arms connected at the upper end by a crossbar. The strings are stretched between the crossbar and the sound box and are plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum. In ancient Greece, the lyre accompanied poetry and song. Ancient Greece had two lyres—the kithara, which was used by the professional musician, and the lyra, the smaller instrument of the amateur. The lyre is typically associated with which Greek god? More… Discuss

Ancient Greek Music – The Lyre of Classical Antiquity



The probable ancestors of modern cattle, aurochs once inhabited forests in Northern Africa, Europe, and Southwest Asia. The enormous—having a shoulder height of around 6 ft (1.8 m)—horned, black oxen are depicted in prehistoric cave paintings, and the species endured until the 17th century, when the last known aurochs died in Poland. Breeders have since tried to recreate the extinct species, but none have yet managed to produce a genetically identical animal. What has arisen from their efforts?More… Discuss