World Mourns Passing of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, the iconic South African statesman who transformed his nation, has died at home at the age of 95. As a young man, Mandela was an active opponent of South Africa’s apartheid regime. He spent 27 years in prison for his antiapartheid activities before South African leaders bowed to international pressure and released him in 1990. Rather than abandon his activism, Mandela immediately returned to politics and spearheaded thecampaign to abolish apartheid in South Africa and transition it to nonracial democracy. His actions earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and the presidency of South Africa one year later, when the country held its first multiracial elections.
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Mandela released from prison speech

Nelson Mandela speech delivered at the Nelson Mandela: An International tribute to Free South Africa concert on 16/4/1990,at Wembley stadium, two months after his release from prison on 11/2/1990. (speech starts at 5:36)

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