Tag Archives: ancient civilizations


Landslide Tragedy in Afghanistan

Hundreds have been killed and thousands remain missing after a landslide crashed down on a remote village inAfghanistan. The enormous slide made roads impassable for the heavy machinery needed to carry out rescue and recovery efforts, so people from nearby villages have begun digging using the only tools they have available to them—their hands. More than 2,000 people resided in the village, and many had been in the process of trying to recover their belongings and livestock following an earlier, more minor landslip when the side of a nearby mountain collapsed, burying the village.More… Discuss

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The Crypt of Civilization

Sealed in a chamber on the grounds of Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia, is an elaborate time capsule called the Crypt of Civilization. Inspired by the lack of information about ancient civilizations, university President Thornwell Jacobs devised the crypt in 1935 and spent the next five years deciding what to put in it. Likely the world’s first time capsule, it was sealed in 1940 and is slated be reopened in the year 8113. What items were selected to be stored in the crypt? More… Discuss