Tag Archives: Skin

Stem Cells Created from Adults’ Cells

For the first time, researchers have successfullycreated stem cells from the skin cells of adults. This is considered the first step in developing patient-specific cells lines to treat diseases like heart failure, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and vision loss, but it is also the first step inhuman reproductive cloning, an issue fraught with ethical dilemmas. To create the stem cells, researchers fused a grown skin cell with an ovum whose DNA had been removed. The resulting embryo contains an inner lining of pluripotent stem cells. Of 39 attempts to create stem cells from adult cells, the researchers succeeded only once for each of their two skin cell donors. More… Discuss

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Valentina Lisitsa: “Name the mystery piece – win tickets to one of my next gigs”

To celebrate 100K subscribers (THANK YOU ALL MY FRIENDS AND FANS!) a little quiz ! Name the mystery piece – get TWO tickets to any of my upcoming gigs listed at the beginning of the clip. Even if you don’t live close by – if you win you get to make a nice gift to someone who does. The first comment in timeline that correctly identifies the piece wins it. READY, SET, GO!