European diplomats spied on by US NSA

Everybody should be put to the question! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video says about itself:

Spying on guests allegations embarrassing UK

From weekly Der Spiegel in Germany:

‘Out of Control’: Europe Furious over NSA Spying on EU Facilities

By Claus Hecking and Stefan Schultz

Senior European Union officials are outraged by revelations that the US spied on EU representations in Washington and New York. Some have called for a suspension of talks on the trans-Atlantic free trade agreement.

June 30, 2013 – 02:46 PM

Europeans are furious. Revelations that the US intelligence service National Security Agency (NSA) targeted the European Union and several European countries with its far-reaching spying activities have led to angry reactions from several senior EU and German politicians.

“We need more precise information,” said European Parliament President Martin Schulz. “But if it is true, it is a huge scandal. That would mean a huge burden for relations between the EU and the US. We now demand…

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