Daily Archives: June 23, 2013


The Assyrian Genocide

Before WWI, Assyrians, a largely Christian minority in the Islamic Ottoman Empire, were subject to violence and forcible conversion. Their plight worsened once war began. The Ottoman Turks, engaging in systematic ethnic cleansing, massacred Armenians and Assyrians. Contemporary reports placed the Assyrian death toll at 270,000, but the figure has since been estimated to be closer to 500,000, or even as high as 750,000. The Assyrian Genocide is also known as sayfo, which means what? More… Discuss

This genocide was committed against the Assyrian population of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War by the Young Turks. The Assyrian population of northern Mesopotamia was forcibly relocated and massacred by Ottoman (Turkish and Kurdish) forces between 1914 and 1920. This genocide is part of the same policy of extermination aimed against Armenians and Pontic Greeks.

“Independenta Romaniei”-1912-Aristide Demetriade-“The Romanian-Russo-Turkish War, 1877: THe Ottoman Empire was been the enemy of Hundreds of Millions of People belonging to more than two dozens of ethnicities, over 800 years… Never Again, anywhere!

Independenta Romaniei” (“The Independence of Romania”), subtitled “The Romanian-Russo-Turkish War, 1877”, is a Romanian 1912 silent film directed by Aristide Demetriade.The Romanian language uses symbol “ţ” (tz) instead of “t” in the word “Independenta”; as result, the title should be pronounced “Independentza Romaniei” (Independenţa Romaniei)
(Post inspired by the following Article and Video )

The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 was a conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Orthodox coalition led by the Russian Empire and composed of several Balkan countries. Results: Reestablishment of the Bulgarian state; de jure independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro from Ottoman Empire.  Continue reading

Quotation: Lucy Maud Montgomery on “kindred spirits”

Kindred spirits alone do not change with changing years.

Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) Discuss
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Today’s Birthday: HENRY WARD BEECHER (1813)

Henry Ward Beecher (1813)

Beecher became one of the most famous and influential American ministers of his time for his advocacy of an emotional “gospel of love” Christianity. Every important issue of the day was discussed from his pulpit and in his lectures. He was a leader in the antislavery movement, a proponent of women’s suffrage, and an advocate of the theory of evolution. In 1874, however, he became the subject of a sensational adultery trial for an alleged affair with Elizabeth Tilton. What was the verdict? More… Discuss

Beecher became one of the most famous and influential American ministers of his time for his advocacy of an emotional “gospel of love” Christianity. Every important issue of the day was discussed from his pulpit and in his lectures. He was a leader in the antislavery movement, a proponent of women’s suffrage, and an advocate of the theory of evolution. In 1874, however, he became the subject of a sensational adultery trial for an alleged affair with Elizabeth Tilton. What was the verdict? More… Discuss


Français : Plan de Rome avec l'aqua Traiana en...

Français : Plan de Rome avec l’aqua Traiana en rouge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Emperor Trajan Inaugurates the Aqua Traiana (109 CE)

The Aqua Traiana was an aqueduct built under Roman Emperor Trajan in the 2nd century CE. The structure channeled water to Rome from sources around Lake Bracciano, about 25

Detail of Trajan's Column

Detail of Trajan’s Column (Photo credit: 5telios)

mi (40 km) northwest of the city. In 1605, Pope Paul V initiated the Aqua Traiana’s repair to augment the city’s water supply. Renamed the Acqua Paola in the pope’s honor, it was completed in 1612 and boasted a lavish fountain with columns of granite and marble. What is meant by the Roman saying “as good as the Acqua Paola”? More… Discuss


Hold the Applause

A thunderous round of applause following a performance might actually say little about its quality. Clapping, according to a recent study, is a social contagion that can be driven by the actions of just a few members of anaudience. Video footage of groups of undergraduates watching an academic presentation reveals that the sound of just one or two people clapping is enough to prompt a ripple of applause throughout a crowd. Similarly, the power to stop a round of applause lies in the hands of just a couple of individuals. More… Discuss



Santorini , Greece

What a lovely watercolor!
Thanks Violet,
enjoy your fantastic visit to Greece!



Violet Gallery

Hi everyone !
At least we had sunshine today and I fully enjoyed it!!! Ah, perfect !!!!!
How fantastic is to take a nap under waaaarrrrm sunshine!
Violet has sketched Santorini , Greece for today . It seems she was waiting to blue sky too!

Wish you all a beautiful day too❤

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Strabunii, gand poetice de George-B

Strabunii, gand poetice de George-B

 Floarea me uscata
a renascut in glastra:
Am luat glastra, usurel

Si-am dus-o in gradina.
Cu-n  ciot de creanga

am sapat o groapa doar de-o schioapa
si-am sadit floarea…
an dupa an a tot crescut…

Acum e-un arbore… Genealogic.

Rebecca Lavelle: “My Heart Is Like a River” from “McLeod’s Daughters”

A wonderful video…A lovely song: Simply magnificent:

Rebecca Lavelle My Heart Is Like A River Lyrics

My heart is like a river 
My heart is like these hills 
They never change 
I never change 
And I never will You called and I came running 
You cried and now I’m here 
So hold this faith 
Accept our faith 
These are little fears 

We have enough to guide us 
We have enough to last 
We’re not alone 
We never were 
You and I aren’t lost 

Oh hold me very tightly 
Hold me fast and strong 
I am your love 
Won’t stray from you 
You and I belong 

My heart is like a river 
My heart is like these hills 
They never change 
I never change 
And I never will 


“Never enough”: Claire and Tess McLeod with song Bec Lavelle”s “Never Enough”.

Apoi ma gandeam, si ma gandeam, si asa spuneam: “C-o inghetata nu se face vara…nici macar primavara!”

Apoi ma gandeam, si ma gandeam, si asa spuneam:  “C-o inghetata nu se face vara…nici macar primavara!”

David Icke on Alex Jones Show – Satanic Cannibals Structured The Network Of Global Control

Canibalistic behavior does not have to be literal….symbolisticallyspekingcanibalismneverlefttheworld!


love sand sculpting!

Dear Bliary

Jeff and I have a home right outside Atlantic City, New Jersey.  Much of what makes up the City doesn’t enter into my world.  But sometimes, every so often, I find this down-the-road-and-to-the-left part of my world fascinating.

We spent the afternoon gazing in utter amazement at the world of sand sculpting.  This competition/exhibition was available to tons of curious tourists and locals for FREE!  Now, how often do you see something this cool for free?

Artists from around the world gathered to sculpt for spectators, and, of course, the competition was fierce.  See if you don’t agree.

Some of the sculptors at work.  Simply incredible!

Of course,  I had to get a shot of Jeff in because he’s the biggest part of my world.


Click on the icon.  There are many talented people in the WordPress community.  You won’t want to miss a view of their world.


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Fall Back Films….

MIne…are few: 1. somewhere in time 2. pulp fiction 3. kill Bill (vol I and II- if for nothing else at least for “goodnight moon- Shivaree”, and many more. I enjoyed “McLeod’s Daughters” lately (realistic, well grounded, great music, great scenery, and wonderfully interpreted!
Nice post Stacy, thanks!


NSA leaker Snowden flies to ‘third country’ via Moscow

Probably one of those that do not (don’t) have extra-dition to us. What else can one do gost to tell that wistle-blowers are protected….away from startreckmothership….butneveronboard

Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News


Published on Jun 23, 2013

US whistleblower Edward Snowden is en route to Moscow from Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight, authorities have confirmed. Washington has filed an extradition order to Hong Kong on charges of espionage, theft and conversion of government property – READ MORE http://on.rt.com/jqm8cb


On the run again: Snowden leaves Hong Kong for Moscow, Ecuador

Edward Snowden, the former contractor for the National Security Agency who has been charged with espionage, left Hong Kong, where he has been hiding out. The Hong Kong government said the U.S. extradition request did not comply with the law, which gave Snowden an opportunity to leave. NBC’s Ian Williams reports.

Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency who has been charged with espionage, was allowed to leave Hong Kong on Sunday because the U.S. extradition request did not comply with…

View original post 214 more words

Is There Anyone Who Likes Google Blogger More Than WordPress?

Windy, drafty: hint, hint, hint!

“I’ve had the time of my life” Johnny and Baby on stage –

End of season at Kellermans ,”nobody puts Baby in the corner”, the final dance, they perform the final dance to “I’ve had the time of my life” Johnny and Baby on stage –
Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes – (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life
Baby Houseman – Jennifer Grey
Johnny Castle – Patrick Swayze

Kaoma – The Lambada ORIGINAL Music Video Clip (Llorando Se Fue) 19

The full-screen video of the worldwide #1 smash hit record from 1989. Kaoma – “The Lambada” (also known as “Llorando se fue“).

For more details on The Lambada, the dance, the music, the videos & the story please visit the official website –

Buy “Lambada (Single Version)” on

Google PlayAmazonMP3iTuneseMusic


Great Western Movie Themes : Lonesome Dove ( 57 other soundtracks – Enjoy!)

Buy “Lost In Space” on

Google PlayeMusiciTunesAmazonMP3

Aram Khachaturian – “Sabre Dance” Director – Alexander Yakushev

Aram Khachaturian – “Sabre Dance” Director – Alexander Yakushev 

Mikhail Glinka – “Ruslan And Ludmila Overture”

Franz Liszt: Transcendental Etude No.9, Ricordanza (Berezovsky)

Transcendental Etude No.9 in A-flat major, “Ricordanza”

Download link for the entire performance:http://www.mediafire.com/?vfg95jb74tpdi
It’s a ~1GB file split into 6 rars. You need to download each rar to the same destination and then extract.

Light Cavalry Overture – Franz Von Suppe

Buy “Leichte Kavallerie Ouvertüre” on

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Zubin Mehta;Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Il Maestro Riccardo Muti dirige l’Intermezzo della Cavalleria Rusticana

Il maestro Riccardo Muti dirige magistralmente il celeberrimo ‘Intermezzo” della Cavalleria Rusticana, del grande musicista livornese Pietro Mascagni e registrata al Festival di Ravenna del 1996 con l’Orchestra Sinfonica del Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Mascagni compose la Cavalleria Rusticana alla giovane età di ventisette annie e fu la sua prima opera in assoluto. E’ stata presentata per la prima volta a Roma il 17 maggio 1890 al Teatro Costanzi, su libretto di Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti e Guido Menasci ed è stata tratta dall’omonima novella del famoso scrittore catanese Giovanni Verga. Le scene si svolgono in un piccolo paese siciliano con protagonisti Turiddu (Salvatore in lingua italiana), Santuzza (diminutivo in lingua siciliana del nome Santa), Lola, Lucia e Alfio. La trama è una drammatica storia d’amore che si conclude con la morte di Turiddu che viene ucciso.
Il pezzo principale dell’opera ha fatto da sfondo ad una delle più celebri scene della storia del cinema, ne “Il Padrino” – Parte III, dove sulla scalinata del famoso Teatro Massimo di Palermo si consuma una strage di mafia.
L’Intermezzo è stato utilizzato da Martin Scorsese nei titoli di testa del suo film “Toro scatenato”. 
La musica è stata ripresa da Vasco Rossi nell’Intro dei live 2007. 
L’Intermezzo è stato utilizzato, anche, in una scena dell’episodio 31 dell’anime Kenshin Samurai vagabondo.


Tchaikovsky: “The Year 1812” (festival overture in E♭ major, Op. 49)

The 1812 Overture, composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1880.

Buy “1812 Overture – Tchaikovsky” on

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  • PM The New Classical Consortium

Excerpts from Wikipedia: 

The 1812 Overture is scored for an orchestra that consists of the following:[4]

Beginning with the plaintive Russian Orthodox Troparion of the Holy Cross played by four cellos and two violas, the piece moves through a mixture of pastoral and martial themes portraying the increasing distress of the Russian people at the hands of the invading French. This passage includes a Russian folk dance, At the Gate, at my Gate (U Vorot, Vorot”).[5] At the turning point of the invasion—the Battle of Borodino—the score calls for five Russian cannon shots confronting a boastfully repetitive fragment of La Marseillaise. A descending string passage represents the subsequent retreat of the French forces, followed by victory bells and a triumphant repetition of God Preserve Thy People as Moscow burns to deny winter quarters to the French. A musical chase scene appears, out of which emerges the anthem God Save the Tsar! thundering with eleven more precisely scored shots. The overture utilizes counterpoint to reinforce the appearance of the leitmotif that represents the Russian forces throughout the piece.[6] A total of sixteen cannon shots are written into the score of the Overture.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>….MORE Continue reading

BRAHMS 16 Hungarian Dances – LSO, Antal Dorati, 1960

Johannes BRAHMS: 16 Hungarian Dances WoO 1 (1869)
0:20 / No.5, G min: Allegro – Vivace (orch. Martin Schmeling)
2:29 / No.6, D maj: Vivace (orch. Martin Schmeling)
5:15 / No.7, F maj: Allegretto – Vivo (orch. Martin Schmeling)
7:12 / No.21, E min: Vivace – E major: Più Presto (orch. Dvorak*)
8:38 / No.11, D min: Poco andante (orch. Albert Parlow)
12:04 / No.2, D min: Allegro non assai-Vivace (*/Andreas Hallen)
14:50 / No.1, G min: Allegro molto (orch. Johannes Brahms)
17:32 / No.10, F maj: Presto (orch. Johannes Brahms)
19:20 / No.3, F maj: Allegretto (orch. Johannes Brahms)
21:32 / No.18, D maj: Molto vivace (orch. Antonin Dvorak)
22:57 / No.17, F# min: Andantino – Vivace (orch. Dvorak)
25:32 / No.19, B min: Allegretto (orch. Antonin Dvorak)
27:35 / No.20, E min: Poco allegretto – Vivace (orch. Dvorak)
29:56 / No.12, D min: Presto (orch. Albert Parlow)
32:06 / No.15, Bb maj: Allegretto grazioso (orch. Albert Parlow)
34:54 / No.4, F# min: Poco sostenuto – Vivace (orch. Paul Juon)
London Symphony Orchestra – Antal Doráti, conductor
(rec: 1960) Continue reading

Quotation: Blaise Pascal ” I have made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter. Blaise Pascal

“I have made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter.”  Blaise Pascal


Bedřich Smetana: “Má Vlast – Moldau (Vltava)” City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra]

A TRIP TO PRAGUE, including Ma Vlast — Download for $9.99 at:http://emhclassicalmusic.bandcamp.com…

EPIC ORCHESTRA, including Ma Vlast — Download for $8.99 at:http://emhclassicalmusic.bandcamp.com… Continue reading

Bedřich Smetana – Má Vlast – VyŠehrad: This post goes to Miss. Stacy Alexander, but the entire World is invited too!

Bedřich Smetana (1824 — 1884) was the great Czech composer of the nationalistic deeply nostalgic “Má Vlast –  which means “homeland”. Ma Vlast contains six Symphonic Poems –Vyšehrad – Vlata – Šárka – Z českých luhů a hájů – Tábor – Blaník each telling of past legends, heroes, the beautiful countryside and adventurous history of Bohemia.

Paintings by the superb Romanticist Thomas Cole.


“Darkness” by Lord Byron (read by Tom O’Bedlam) “Our times are no different than any other time in the past!, and prayers are selfish indeed!”

Some end of the world prophesies here:

Guide to surviving the apocalypse
Apocalypse Now by Thierry Canon
Apocalypse City

Darkness, by Lord Byron

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars 
Did wander darkling in the eternal space, 
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth 
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
Morn came, and went and came, and brought no day,
And men forgot their passions in the dread 
Of this desolation; and all hearts 
Were chill’d into a selfish prayer for light:
And they did live by watchfires – and the thrones,
The palaces of crowned kings, the huts, 
The habitations of all things which dwell, 
Were burnt for beacons; cities were consumed, 
And men were gathered round their blazing homes 
To look once more into each other’s face; 
Happy were those who dwelt within the eye 
Of the volcanos, and their mountain-torch: 
A fearful hope was all the world contain’d; 
Forest were set on fire but hour by hour 
They fell and faded and the crackling trunks 
Extinguish’d with a crash and all was black. 
The brows of men by the despairing light 
Wore an unearthly aspect, as by fits 
The flashes fell upon them; some lay down 
And hid their eyes and wept; and some did rest
Their chins upon their clenched hands, and smiled;
And others hurried to and fro, and fed 
Their funeral piles with fuel, and looked up 
With mad disquiet on the dull sky, 
The pall of a past world; and then again 
With curses cast them down upon the dust, 
And gnash’d their teeth and howl’d: 
the wild birds shriek’d, and, terrified, 
did flutter on the ground, And flap their useless wings; 
The wildest brutes
Came tame and tremolous; and vipers crawl’d 
And twined themselves among the multitude, 
Hissing, but stingless, they were slain for food:
And War, which for a moment was no more, 
Did glut himself again; a meal was bought 
With blood, and each sate sullenly apart 
Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left; 
All earth was but one thought and that was death,
Immediate and inglorious; and the pang 
Of famine fed upon all entrails men 
Died, and their bones were tombless as their flesh;
The meagre by the meagre were devoured, 
Even dogs assail’d their masters, all save one,
And he was faithful to a corpse, and kept 
The birds and beasts and famish’d men at bay, 
Till hunger clung them, or the dropping dead 
Lured their lank jaws; himself sought out no food,
But with a piteous and perpetual moan 
And a quick desolate cry, licking the hand 
Which answered not with a caress, he died. 
The crowd was famish’d by degrees; but two 
Of an enormous city did survive, 
And they were enemies; they met beside 
The dying embers of an altar-place
Where had been heap’d a mass of holy things 
For an unholy usage; they raked up, 
And shivering scraped with their cold skeleton hands 
The feeble ashes, and their feeble breath 
Blew for a little life, and made a flame
Which was a mockery; then they lifted up 
Their eyes as it grew lighter, and 
Each other’s aspects saw, and shriek’d, and died, beheld 
Even of their mutual hideousness they died, 
Unknowing who he was upon whose brow 
Famine had written Fiend. 
The world was void,
The populous and the powerful was a lump, 
Seasonless, herbless, treeless, manless, lifeless, 
A lump of death, a chaos of hard clay. 
The rivers, lakes, and ocean stood still, 
And nothing stirred within their silent depths; 
Ships sailorless lay rotting on the sea, 
And their masts fell down piecemeal; as they dropp’d 
They slept on the abyss without a surge 
The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave,
The moon their mistress had expired before; 
The winds were withered in the stagnant air, 
And the clouds perish’d; Darkness had no need 
Of aid from them. She was the universe.

Are prayers selfish?

Open Your Heart

Lord Byron Poems: ‘So, we’ll go no more a-roving’

W. A. Mozart – Symphony No. 41 “Jupiter” in C major (Harnoncourt)

W. A. MozartSymphony No. 41 “Jupiter” in C major, K. 551 (1788):

1. Allegro vivace 00:53
2. Andante cantabile 13:44
3. Menuetto: Allegretto – Trio 25:27
4. Molto allegro 31:17

Buy “Fugue From Symphony” on

Pinkus Sztaifberg


Alpha and Omega, Poetic thought by George-B

Alpha and Omega, Poetic thought by George-B

Because Humans couldn’t have known,
He created theories – true human species lullabies,
To calm our scary, solitary nights, and even scarier days, 
of storms, and fire, and tremors,
and high tides, and droughts, and deep snow storms,
and icy lakes…

Then we were thought prayers,
and chants, and incantation, and then,
Not to eliminate anything previously learned
Human invented religions…

Now,  those, Came to explain everything
in a nicely unified theory of everything,


the beginning, that cannot be reached for many,

many billions of years…
And so  Humans are happy so and so, for now, being always between
The Alpha (A) and the Omega (Ω) of Everything, Everywhere, Every Time.

Prăjitură cu fructe

Visine, Visine!

D-ale copilăriei

Avem în curte o adevărată livadă: un cireş amar, un vişin, un cais, un măr, doi pruni, un smochin şi un piersicuţ. O adevărată avere pentru bucătăraşii noştri pricepuţi. Şi cum roadele au început să se pârguiască, ne-am grăbit să declarăm deschis sezonul prăjiturilor cu fructe.

Pasul 1: culegeţi un kilogram de cireşe amare, vişine sau caise. În lipsă de pomi fructiferi în curte, cumpăraţi fructele de la piaţă. Pierdeţi însă momentul cel mai palpitant al pregătirilor, acela care nu apare în nici o carte de bucate: joaca  de-a Tarzan prin copaci.

Pasul 2: scoateţi sâmburii, iar caisele le tăiaţi în bucăţele mici. Dacă aveţi nevoie de ajutor, luaţi-vă gândul, la pasul acesta nu se va oferi nimeni. Scurgeţi excesul de suc.

Pasul 3: pregăţiţi pandişpanul din 7 ouă, o cană de zahăr şi una de făină, 4 linguri de ulei, un plic de zahăr vanilat  şi o linguriţă rasă…

View original post 84 more words

Sunday Mass: Mozart – Coronation Mass / Karajan · Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra · St. Peter’s Basilica

Histórica presentación del legendario director austriaco Herbert von Karajan junto a la Orquesta Filarmónica de Vienna, la Wiener Singverein, Kathleen Battle, Trudeliese Schmidt, Ferruccio Furlanetto y Gosta Winbergh interpretando la Misa de Coronación de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart durante la Santa Misa celebrada por S.S. Juan Pablo II en la Basílica de San Pedro de la Ciudad del Vaticano, el 29 de Junio de 1985.

Historical presentation of the legendary austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna Singverein, Kathleen Battle, Trudeliese Schmidt, Ferruccio Furlanetto and Gosta Winbergh interpreting the Coronation Mass by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart during the High Mass celebrated by H.H. Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Basilica at Vatican City on June 29, 1985.

03:32 Kyrie
07:02 Gloria
16:16 Credo
29:36 Sanctus
31:45 Benedictus
40:36 Agnus Dei


Buy “Mozart: 6. Agnus Dei – 6. Agnus Dei” on

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Ravel: La Valse with Bernstein · Orchestre National de France

Ravel: Daphnis et Chloé – 2. Suite ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ Daniel Smith

hr-Sinfonieorchester (Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra) ∙ 
Daniel Smith, Dirigent ∙ 

6. Internationaler Dirigentenwettbewerb Sir Georg Solti ∙ 
Finale: 1. Kandidat (2. Preis)
Alte Oper Frankfurt, 23. September 2012 ∙ 

Website: http://www.hr-sinfonieorchester.de ∙


Sviatoslav Richter plays Saint-Saëns: Piano Concerto No.5

00:00 – Allegro animato
11:44 – Andante
22:27 – Molto allegro

Live Performance, April 3, 1955
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Kiril Kondrashin conductor

Buy “Piano Concerto No. 5 In F Major, Op. 103: I. Allegro Animato (Saint-Saens)” on

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Robert Schumann – Kreisleriana opus 16 – Vladimir Horowitz

Robert Schumann
Kreisleriana opus 16
Vladimir Horowitz (1969)
1. Äußerst bewegt 00:00
2. Sehr innig und nicht zu rasch 2:34
3. Sehr aufgeregt 9:36
4. Sehr langsam 13:12
5. Sehr lebhaft 16:31
6. Sehr langsam 19:52
7. Sehr rasch 23:47
8. Schnell und spielend 26:02

Buy “Kreisleriana, Op. 16: 2. Sehr innig und nicht zu rasch” on

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Claude Debussy: Trois Nocturnes

Buy “Nocturnes: No. 3. Sirenes” on

Google PlayAmazonMP3,  eMusic

Vivaldi, Concerto for strings in A major RV 160

Antonio Vivaldi 

Buy “Concerto in La maggiore, RV160: Allegro” on

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  • Artist
    Orchestra I Virtuosi Dell’ensemble Di Venezia, Orchestra I Virtuosi Dell’ensemble Di Venezia


Locatelli: Allegro Capriccio

Chopin: Ballade No. 4, Op. 52 Arthur Rubinstein

Buy “Ballade No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 52” on

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F. J. Haydn Sinfonia Concertante in B-Dur, Hob.I-105 Op. 84

Buy “Sinfonia Concertante in B Flat Major: I. Allegro” on

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Austro-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra

Rudyard Kipling on ‘fair words prevailing’

When Pack meets with Pack in the Jungle, and neither will go from the trail,
Lie down till the leaders have spoken—it may be fair words shall prevail.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Discuss

Today’s Birthday: WILMA GLODEAN RUDOLPH (1940)

Wilma Glodean Rudolph (1940)

Rudolph was the first American woman to win three gold medals in track and field in a single Olympic Games. She accomplished this despite having contracted numerous serious illnesses as a child, including polio, which damaged her leg and required her to wear a brace for some time. At the 1960 Games, she won gold in the 100-meter dash, the 200-meter dash, and as part of the 4×100 meter relay. She finished the 100-meter dash in world-record time but was not credited with the record. Why?More… Discuss



Edgardo Mortara Kidnapped from Jewish Family after Secret Baptism (1858)

Mortara, the son of a Jewish couple living in the Papal States, was secretly baptized Catholic as an infant by a panicked servant during an infantile illness. The baptism was deemed valid by the Catholic Church and, because canon law forbade non-Christians from raising Christian children, Pope Pius IX ordered the six-year-old Mortara to be taken to Rome as his ward. Several countries objected to the pope’s decision and called for the boy to be returned to his parents. What became of Mortara? More… Discuss



Flies and Beetles: Food of Our Food’s Future?

Last month, the UN Food and Agriculture Organizationreported that insects are “underutilized” as food, and while many people are still reluctant to consider insects as a food source for themselves, they are less resistant to the idea of eating something that has previously eaten bugs. That is where French start-up company Ynsect, and others like it, come in. These companies are developing animal feeds that utilize insects rather than pricier soybeans as their source of protein. More… Discuss