Tag Archives: Cardiovascular disease

Red Wine Compound Not Linked to Longer or Healthier Life

Red Wine Compound Not Linked to Longer or Healthier Life

In recent years, much has been made about the health benefits of red wine. Research showed that resveratrol, a natural compound present in grapes and, by extension, red wine, has antioxidant, antimutagen, and anti-inflammatory properties that protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, in 2012, one of the field’s leading researchers was accused of fabricating data, and now a new study has found no association between the compound and these purported health benefits. More… Discuss

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ARTICLE: Exercise Critical for Women’s Heart Health

Exercise Critical for Women’s Heart Health

Lack of exercise is the number one risk factor for heart disease in women over the age of 30. Inactivity surpasses even obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure as a risk factor, a fact that might come as a surprise to most women. This does not mean that these other factors should be ignored, but it does highlight the importance of incorporating physical activity into one’s daily routine. Exercising 30 to 45 minutes a day can cut a woman’s heart disease risk in half. More… Discuss

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“Nagged to Death” Not Just a Figure of Speech

“Nagged to Death” Not Just a Figure of Speech

Frequent arguments with your partner, children, friends, or other relatives could be taking years off your life. Research shows an association between stressful social relations and increased mortality risk. Men appear to be more vulnerable to the effects of this sort of stress than women. The effects are also stronger in those who are unemployed. The findings are not all that surprising given that stress is known to have physiological effects that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but they may cause us to think twice the next time we find ourselves on the verge of nagging a loved one over some minor matter. More… Discuss

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Multivitamins May Not Provide Major Health Benefit

Multivitamins are a multibillion dollar industry, but data suggest people may be better off saving their money. Several studies found that multivitamin use does not protect against age-related cognitive decline in men, nor does it reduce the risk of heart disease. Multivitamins’ protective effects against cancer and cataracts have also been found to be very slight. Experts say there is no “magic pill” that will compensate for poor lifestyle habits; the best way to protect one’s health is by being active and eating rightMore… Discuss