Piranha Attack in Argentina Leaves 70 people injured

Buenos Aires, Argentina: An attack by a school of carnivorous fish has injured 70 people bathing in an Argentine river, including seven children who lost parts of their fingers or toes.

Director of lifeguards Federico Cornier said Thursday that thousands of bathers were cooling off from 38 degree temperatures in the Parana River in Rosario on Wednesday when bathers suddenly began complaining of bite marks on their hands and feet. He blamed the attack on palometas, “a type of piranha, big, voracious and with sharp teeth that can really bite.”

Those injured in the frenzy by the sharp-teethed fish included a girl who lost part of a finger, Health Undersecretary Gabriela Quintanilla told reporters on Thursday.

Read more: http://www.cosmostv.org/2013/12/70-hurt-in-piranha-attack-in-parana.html#ixzz2oesV6ovF



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