Tag Archives: BMJ

Eu Rîd, gand poetic de George-B (the smudge and other poems)

Eu Rîd, gand poetic de George-B
(the smudge and other poems)

Mi s-a piedut cheia de acasa,
am pierdut cheia de la moara mea

am pierdut cheia de la masina,
de la barca cu moror,
am pierdur vaslele.
am pierdut duplicatul cheilor de mai sus,
si cine stie cate alte chei si duplicatele lor:  le-am pierdut!,
le-am jelit,
am tinut post dupa post,
parastase de 40 de zile, cu popmana, si coliva,
cu vanilie si nucsoara,
ca avem nucsoara acum, ce n-aveam inainte
noi copiii, generatiei fara speranta.

am pierdut cheia timpului si-a rostului lui – a timpului trecut…

acum pot sa spun: tot ce-a fost pierdut nimicu-i
in cumpana cu ce inca am sa pierd: si de-aceea rîd
cu gura pana la urechi eu rîd.

© George-B.


Adding an Apple a Day Could Prevent Thousands of Deaths

Researchers say people should pay heed to the old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Ninety percent of adults eat at least one portion of fruit every day, but less than a third actually get the recommendedfive servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Adding just one apple, or a serving of any fruit or vegetable, to one’s daily diet could have significant health implications. According to the researchers’ calculations, if every adult in the UK increased his or her daily consumption of fruits and vegetables by one serving, 11,000 deaths due to vascular issues could be avoided each year. More… Discuss