Monthly Archives: January 2020

Quote of the Day: Jonathan Swift

Quote of the Day:
Jonathan Swift

There’s none so blind as they that won’t see. More…:

Article of the Day: The Suez Canal

Article of the Day:
The Suez Canal

One of the world’s most heavily used shipping lanes, the Suez Canal extends 101 mi (163 km) from Port Said to the Gulf of Suez and connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea, allowing ships to sail directly between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. After its completion in 1869, its ownership remained in French and British hands until Egypt nationalized it in 1956, sparking an international crisis, during which it was closed for one of the two times in its history. When was the second? More…:

Idiom of the Day: brainwave

Idiom of the Day:

A sudden idea or moment of inspiration; a brainstorm. Watch the video…:

Word of the Day: corpulent

Word of the Day:

Definition: (adjective) Bulky of body; portly.

Synonyms: rotund

Usage: In his later years, the once-svelte cat took on a more corpulent frame as his mobility decreased.:




Watch “The Partisan – Leonard Cohen” on YouTube

Watch “Broken Bells-October” on YouTube

Watch “Brett Eldredge – The Long Way (Official Music Video)” on YouTube

Watch “Ottorino Respighi, “Church Windows”. (Vetrate di Chiesa)” on YouTube

Quote: Every thought, every action…

Quote: Every thought, every action...

Quote: Every thought, every action…

Horoscope♉: 01/26/2020


Relationships of all kinds should be thriving at this time, Taurus. Mind and emotions join together in a beneficial partnership, enabling you to increase your understanding of those close to you. Romantic involvements strengthen in particular, as an understanding of your partner’s values, attitudes, and motivations becomes clearer to you. Make your new insights known to everyone around you, preferably in a subtle rather than verbal way. The latter might sound patronizing.:

Today’s Holiday: India Republic Day

Today’s Holiday:
India Republic Day

This holiday is an important national festival in India, celebrating the day in 1950 when India’s ties with Britain were severed and the country became a fully independent republic. The holiday is marked with parades and much celebration in all the state capitals, but the celebration in Delhi is especially grand. There is a mammoth parade with military units, floats from each state, dancers and musicians, and fly-overs. Independence Day on Aug. 15 is also a national holiday, but is observed chiefly with speech-making and none of the grandeur of Republic Day. More…:

Today’s Birthday: Paul Leonard Newman (1925)

Today’s Birthday:
Paul Leonard Newman (1925)

Newman was an American actor who captured the darker, less heroic aspects of his best-remembered roles, such as those in The Hustler, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and The Sting. After eight nominations, he finally won an Academy Award for The Color of Money in 1986. In 1982, he launched his “Newman’s Own” line of food products, donating the profits to various charitable causes. Why was Newman once placed on Richard Nixon’s enemies list? More…:

This Day in History: Der Rosenkavalier by Richard Strauss Premieres (1911)

This Day in History:
Der Rosenkavalier by Richard Strauss Premieres (1911)

Still regularly performed, Der Rosenkavalier is one of the most acclaimed comic operas of Richard Strauss, the leading composer of romantic opera in the early 20th century. It is loosely based on the works of Molière and Louvet de Couvrai and tells the story of the shifting romantic attachments of four principal characters. Strauss, who often abandoned tonality to emphasize the humor or drama of a scene, composed Der Rosenkavalier in collaboration with what poet? More…:

Quote of the Day: Ambrose Bierce

Quote of the Day:
Ambrose Bierce

Fiddle, n.: An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse’s tail on the entrails of a cat. More…:

Article of the Day: Ostracism

Article of the Day:

In ancient Athens, ostracism was a method of temporarily banishing a public figure. Each year, the assembly took a preliminary vote to decide whether a vote of ostracism should be held. If a majority approved holding an ostracism, voters would put into an urn a piece of pottery—called an ostrakon—marked with the name of a person they wished to be ostracized. If at least 6,000 votes were cast, the person named on the most ostraka was exiled. How long did the exile last? More…:

Idiom of the Day: a bit beyond (one’s) ken

Idiom of the Day:
a bit beyond (one’s) ken

Advanced beyond one’s ability to understand or make sense of the subject matter or task at hand. Watch the video…:

Word of the Day: self-righteous

Word of the Day:

Definition: (adjective) Excessively or hypocritically pious.

Synonyms: holier-than-thou, pharisaic, sanctimonious, pietistic

Usage: My self-righteous neighbor Mary makes herself out to be a paragon of virtue and chastity, but I know that she has some dirty little secrets of her own.:

Quote: never be a prisoner of your past

Quoye: Never be a prisoner of your past

Quote: Never be a prisoner of your past

Mistaken Identity: No, My name Isn’t DONALD!

Mistaken Identity: No, My name Isn't DONALD!

Mistaken Identity: No, My name Isn’t DONALD!

Mistaken Identity: No, My name Isn’t DONALD!

Mistaken Identity: No, My name Isn't DONALD!

Mistaken Identity: No, My name Isn’t DONALD!

Moving Out Sale: Need more room

Moving Out Sale: Need more room

Moving Out Sale: Need more room

Moving Out Sale: Need more room

Moving Out Sale: Need more room

Moving Out Sale: Need more room

Flamingos in love

Flamingos in love

Flamingos in love

Quote: be happy…(Buddha)

Quote: be happy...(Buddha)

Quote: be happy…(Buddha)

Quote: Art is a line sound tour thoughts. (GUSTAV KLIMT)

Watch “Tschaikowsky: 6. Sinfonie (»Pathétique«)” on YouTube

Horoscope♉: 01/25/2020


A female visitor who might have a few problems might come to your door wanting advice and sympathy, Taurus. She could have some other news that could come as a shock to you. A crisis on the job might make it necessary for you or your partner to spend most of the time today away from home and family. This could be frustrating, particularly if you have to cancel your plans. Hang in there!:

Today’s Holiday: India Republic Day

Today’s Holiday:
India Republic Day

This holiday is an important national festival in India, celebrating the day in 1950 when India’s ties with Britain were severed and the country became a fully independent republic. The holiday is marked with parades and much celebration in all the state capitals, but the celebration in Delhi is especially grand. There is a mammoth parade with military units, floats from each state, dancers and musicians, and fly-overs. Independence Day on Aug. 15 is also a national holiday, but is observed chiefly with speech-making and none of the grandeur of Republic Day. More…:

Today’s Birthday: Paul Leonard Newman (1925)

Today’s Birthday:
Paul Leonard Newman (1925)

Newman was an American actor who captured the darker, less heroic aspects of his best-remembered roles, such as those in The Hustler, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and The Sting. After eight nominations, he finally won an Academy Award for The Color of Money in 1986. In 1982, he launched his “Newman’s Own” line of food products, donating the profits to various charitable causes. Why was Newman once placed on Richard Nixon’s enemies list? More…:

This Day in History: Der Rosenkavalier by Richard Strauss Premieres (1911)

This Day in History:
Der Rosenkavalier by Richard Strauss Premieres (1911)

Still regularly performed, Der Rosenkavalier is one of the most acclaimed comic operas of Richard Strauss, the leading composer of romantic opera in the early 20th century. It is loosely based on the works of Molière and Louvet de Couvrai and tells the story of the shifting romantic attachments of four principal characters. Strauss, who often abandoned tonality to emphasize the humor or drama of a scene, composed Der Rosenkavalier in collaboration with what poet? More…:

Quote of the Day: Ambrose Bierce

Quote of the Day:
Ambrose Bierce

Fiddle, n.: An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse’s tail on the entrails of a cat. More…:

Article of the Day: Ostracism

Article of the Day:

In ancient Athens, ostracism was a method of temporarily banishing a public figure. Each year, the assembly took a preliminary vote to decide whether a vote of ostracism should be held. If a majority approved holding an ostracism, voters would put into an urn a piece of pottery—called an ostrakon—marked with the name of a person they wished to be ostracized. If at least 6,000 votes were cast, the person named on the most ostraka was exiled. How long did the exile last? More…:

Idiom of the Day: a bit beyond (one’s) ken

Idiom of the Day:
a bit beyond (one’s) ken

Advanced beyond one’s ability to understand or make sense of the subject matter or task at hand. Watch the video…:

Word of the Day: self-righteous

Word of the Day:

Definition: (adjective) Excessively or hypocritically pious.

Synonyms: holier-than-thou, pharisaic, sanctimonious, pietistic

Usage: My self-righteous neighbor Mary makes herself out to be a paragon of virtue and chastity, but I know that she has some dirty little secrets of her own.:

Acuarelă (Minulescu) – Wikisource (in orasu-n care ploua de trei ori pe saptamana…)

de Ion Minulescu

Claudiei Millian

În orașu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână
Orășenii, pe trotuare,
Merg ținându-se de mână,
Și-n orașu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână,
De sub vechile umbrele, ce suspină
Și se-ndoaie,
Umede de-atâta ploaie,
Orășenii pe trotuare
Par păpuși automate, date jos din galantare.

În orașu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână
Nu răsună pe trotuare
Decât pașii celor care merg ținându-se de mână,
În gând
Cadența picăturilor de ploaie,
Ce coboară din umbrele,
Din burlane
Și din cer
Cu puterea unui ser
Dătător de viață lentă,
Și absentă…

În orașu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână
Un bătrân și o bătrână ―
Două jucării stricate ―
Merg È›inându-se de mână…

Ion Minulescu Aquarela (in orasu-n care ploua de trei ori pe saptamana)

Ion Minulescu Aquarela (in orasu-n care ploua de trei ori pe saptamana)

Horoscope♉: 01/24/2020


It may be easy for you to show up at a party or answer the phone when you know that it’s your best friend calling with good news, but where are you when the going gets rough, Taurus? Make sure you show your support to people in all situations. Don’t be just a fair-weather friend. Your loyalty to others may be tested today when conflict arises and tempers get high.:

Today’s Holiday: Sol (Korean Lunar New Year)

Today’s Holiday:
Sol (Korean Lunar New Year)

One of the biggest holidays of the year in Korea, Sol (or Seollal), the Lunar New Year, is celebrated largely by rural people and is a national holiday. On Sol, tradition calls for families to gather in their best clothes and for children to bow to parents and grandparents to reaffirm family ties. A soup made of rice dumplings called duggook is always served. It is customary to play yut, a game played with wooden blocks and a game board, and young girls bounce on a see-saw standing up. More…:

Today’s Birthday: Govert Teuniszoon Flinck (1615)

Today’s Birthday:
Govert Teuniszoon Flinck (1615)

A student of Rembrandt, Flinck was a Dutch painter who is remembered mainly for his numerous portraits, many of which are held in the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam. Among his most famous works is the Blessing of Jacob, one of his many religious subjects. However, Flinck was also known for painting scenes from history, such as the Peace of Münster, which illustrates the famous treaty with 19 life-size figures. Flinck even painted his own likeness in the canvas. Where is it? More…:

This Day in History: First Emmy Awards for Excellence in Television (1949)

This Day in History:
First Emmy Awards for Excellence in Television (1949)

The Emmy Awards are given for outstanding achievement in US television. They are presented by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, which was founded in 1946 and which held the first award ceremony in 1949. Its members vote on outstanding programs, actors, directors, and writers in such categories as drama, comedy, and variety. The Emmy’s name is taken from the nickname “immy” for the image orthicon, a television camera tube. Who won the very first Emmy? More…:

Quote of the Day: Gilbert Chesterton

Quote of the Day:
Gilbert Chesterton

We ought to see far enough into a hypocrite to see even his sincerity. More…:

Article of the Day: Perpetual Motion

Article of the Day:
Perpetual Motion

The expression “perpetual motion” arose in connection to the quest for a mechanism that, once set in motion, would continue to do useful work without an external source of energy. A mechanism using this type of motion, now called perpetual motion of the first kind, would clearly violate the now firmly established principle of conservation of energy. Still, this fact has not deterred inventors throughout history from proposing hypothetical perpetual motion machines. What are some of them? More…:

Idiom of the Day: hard knocks

Idiom of the Day:
hard knocks

The real and practical experiences of life, especially those involving hardship or adversity. Watch the video…:

Word of the Day: teetotal

Word of the Day:

Definition: (adjective) Practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

Synonyms: dry

Usage: I happen to be teetotal, so I will forgo the wine being served with dinner.:

Quote: Our life is shaped by our mind (Buddha)

Quote: Our life is shaped by our mind (Buddha)

Quote: Our life is shaped by our mind (Buddha)

Quote: Ego vs. Soul

Quote: Ego vs. Soul

Quote: Ego vs. Soul

Quote: Never stop learning…

Qoute: Never stop learning...

Quote: Never stop learning…

Qoute: Never stop learning…

Qoute: Never stop learning...

Qoute: Never stop learning…

Quote: Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. (BUDDHA)

Quote: Don't mix bad words with your bad mood. (BUDDHA)

Quote: Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. (BUDDHA)

Horoscope♉: 01/23/2020


Today you might attend more than one group activity or social event involving spiritual or metaphysical matters. Your sense of intuition is very high, Taurus, and your level of understanding is especially acute. Therefore, concepts that could be confusing at other times could seem as clear as a bell today. You might form strong bonds with others who are also present, and you might make plans to meet with them again in the future. Enjoy!: