Tag Archives: Akhenaten

The unbroken seal on King Tut’s Tomb — Historical Pics (@VeryOldPics) (History in the making celebrating an unbroken seal)

this day in the yesteryear: Carter Breaches Entrance to Tutankhamun’s Tomb (1922)

Carter Breaches Entrance to Tutankhamun’s Tomb (1922)

In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter had one last chance at a successful excavation in Egypt before his patron, Lord Carnarvon, withdrew financial backing. Luckily, the two soon became the first to enter the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun in some 3,000 years. The tomb was almost completely intact, and its treasures made Tutankhamen perhaps the best-known of the pharaohs despite his early death and limited accomplishments. What did Carter reportedly say upon accessing the tomb? More… Discuss

today’s birthday: Mika Waltari (1908)

Mika Waltari (1908)

Finnish author Mika Waltari is best known for his 1945 historical novel The Egyptian, which is set during the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaten and was hailed by Egyptologists for its accuracy in describing ancient Egyptian life. The themes explored in the book struck a chord with readers in the aftermath of World War II, and it became an international bestseller, serving as the basis for the 1954 Hollywood movie of the same name. Where—and when—are some of his other historical novels set? More… Discuss