Tag Archives: Anglican Communion

today’s holiday/commemoration/observance: Uganda Martyrs Day

Uganda Martyrs Day

On June 3, 1886, the country of Uganda‘s first Christian converts were executed in the town of Namugongo. Then known as Buganda, the country had begun attracting the attention of Catholic and Anglican missionaries. Sons of many of the region’s leading families had converted to Christianity. The king of Buganda, Mwanga II, saw this conversion as treachery against his authority. When the converts refused to renounce their faith, they were burned alive. To commemorate the event, Christian pilgrims from all over Uganda journey to Namugongo and the town’s Anglican church. More… Discuss

Pope Pope Beedict XVI receives Yerba Mate cup from ambassador of Uruguay to Vatican

Pope Beedict XVI receives Yerba Mate cup from ambassador of Uruguay to Vatican



English: Steeple of St. James Catholic Church ...

English: Steeple of St. James Catholic Church in Chicago, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




Definition: (noun) A separation or division into factions.
Synonyms: discord, split
Usage: Heretics were burned for attempting to create a schism in the Catholic Church. Discuss.


November 14, 2014: Orthodox leader asks Pope to help find kidnapped bishops in Syria – from The Vatican-ROME REPORTS in English

Orthodox leader asks Pope to help find kidnapped bishops in Syria

Blessed Pope John Paul II: Beatification Mass – May 1, 2011

John Paul II has been acclaimed as one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century.[4] It is widely held that he was instrumental in ending communism in his native Poland and eventually all of Europe.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Conversely, he denounced the excesses of capitalism.[10][11] John Paul II is widely said to have significantly improved the Catholic Church‘s relations with Judaism,[3][9][12] Islam,[13][14] the Eastern Orthodox Church,[3] and the Anglican Communion.[3][15] Though criticised by progressives[3][9][16] for upholding the Church’s teachings against artificial contraception and the ordination of women, he was also criticized by traditionalists for his support of the Church’s Second Vatican Council and its reform of the Liturgy as well as his ecumenical efforts.[3][17][18] Since his death, he has been criticized for failing to act on accusations of sexual child abuse by priests, including those against founder of Legion of Christ Marcial Maciel.[19] 

Read more about The Blessed Pope John Paul II at:

I am so happy for this event together with millions of people around the world!