Tag Archives: king henry iii

this day in the yesteryear: Battle of Evesham (1265) Would you have read this article if you were not visiting EUZICASA TODAY?

Battle of Evesham (1265)

In 1258, English nobleman Simon de Montfort joined other barons in forcing King Henry III to accept the Provisions of Oxford—often considered England’s first written constitution—which limited the power of the monarchy. When Henry renounced the Provisions, Montfort led a force against him, defeating the royalist army at the Battle of Lewes and becoming England’s de facto ruler. Less than a year later, he was killed by Henry’s son Edward at the Battle of Evesham. What happened to his body? More… Discuss

Wales castles and the southwest of England: Grosmont and Skenfrith Castles


Grosmont Castle

Grosmont Castle is a ruined castle in Wales very near the English border. It was one of three castles in the area and dates to the 11th or 12th century. It was probably used as an administrative center before being converted to a fortress. In the 13th century, King Henry III‘s son Edmund made the castle his residence and rebuilt part of it. He constructed a giant false doorway through which one could access the castle’s lower floors but not his living quarters. How, then, did he get in and out? More… Discuss