Tag Archives: marcel duchamp

today’s birthday: Marcel Duchamp (1887)

Marcel Duchamp (1887)

Duchamp was an innovative French-American artist who influenced the Dada, Surrealist, and Pop art movements. His irreverence for conventional aesthetic standards led him to exhibit commonplace objects as works of art that he called “ready-mades,” intended as a derisive gesture against the excessive importance attached to works of art. His most famous works include the controversial Cubist-Futurist painting Nude Descending a Staircase and Fountain, which features what object? More… Discuss



Assemblage is an artistic process in which a three-dimensional composition is made from combining found objects. In 1961, “The Art of Assemblage” exhibition at New York’s Museum of Modern Art publicized the movement and featured many renowned artists, including Marcel Duchamp and Pablo Picasso, both of whom had been working with found objects for years. The term “assemblage” originated in the early 1950s when Jean Dubuffet created a series of collages of butterfly wings and called it what?More… Discuss