Kevin Gosztola: Behind the Scenes of the Bradley Manning Trial Ignored by Corporate Media | Democracy Now!

Kevin Gosztola: Behind the Scenes of the Bradley Manning Trial Ignored by Corporate Media | Democracy Now!.

The judge in the Bradley Manning case says she will decide Thursday on his lawyers’ request to dismiss seven of the charges he faces, including allegations that he aided the enemy when he provided hundreds of thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks. The defense says the prosecution has not provided sufficient evidence that Manning had actual knowledge that the information he leaked would end up with the enemy. Lawyers for the government have said that, based on his training, Private Manning knew that al-Qaeda and other groups could have access to the documents. For an inside look of the Manning trial we speak to Kevin Gosztola, a civil liberties blogger at Firedoglake who is one of only a handful of journalists covering the Manning trial on a daily basis. “It really is only being covered when the outlets in the U.S. media feel they have an obligation to cover something,” Gosztola says.

Who runs corporate media? Yeah, as if you didn’t know! 


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