Daily Archives: January 10, 2016


Fă tot ce poți şi Dumnezeu va face restul


David Bowie dies at the age of 69

David Bowie dies at the age of 69


BBC News: Music legend David Bowie dies

Music legend David Bowie dies – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35278872

This Adventurous Cat’s Epic Road Trip Photos Are Picture-Purrfect

Gandalf the cat hails from South Korea, but recently embarked on an incredible road trip through the US — and he’s got better selfies of himself at spots like the Grand Canyon, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Hollywood than your favorite Instagrammers.

The adventurous kitty hit up nine states on his travels, as documented via Imgur by owner gandybns, exploring each area with a mix of bemusement, wonder, wiseness, and world-weariness in turn.
This Adventurous Cat’s Epic Road Trip Photos Are Picture-Purrfect

Sex and the Saudi – NYTimes.com

Dating is complicated in Saudi Arabia. You have to be careful just talking to a woman, because if someone finds out, it can be a really big problem. So it’s better not to tell anybody. If you want to go to a cafe with her, you totally can’t. The police might stop you and ask, ‘‘Who’s that?’’ If you say she is your sister, they ask for proof. If they find out she isn’t your sister, they will take you to the police station. If you are found guilty of khilwa — when a man and woman who are not family members are together alone — you can go to jail for a few months. You can also be lashed 100 times. Sometimes you’re told that you have to marry the woman. That way you might not have to go to jail.


Texas, the most welcoming US state for refugees, has turned its back on Syrians – Quartz

Refugees under fire

Even before Donald Trump’s incendiary remarks this weekcalling on the US to ban all immigration by Muslims, the mood toward Syrian refugees has turned hostile in the wake of the Paris attacks by ISIL, which left 130 people dead.

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Abbott and more than 30 other governors, mostly Republicans, have said they would not welcome refugees in their states, and Congress voted on two separate bills to slow down or block the Obama administration’s plan to admit 10,000 Syrians.

Abbott is now teaming up with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is in the midst of a campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, and is finally gaining traction in the polls. Cruz, whose own father, born in Cuba, received political asylumin the United States, is introducing a new bill that would allow states to opt-out from taking in refugees. Asked for comment, the governor’s office referred Quartz to hisprevious media appearances, including a press conference alongside Cruz.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC), which helped with the resettlement of Faez and Shaza, has defied an order by Abbott to stop processing Syrian refugees. That prompteda lawsuit by the state against the IRC and the federal government, which alleges that the government and other agencies broke their obligation to consult regularly with the state on refugee resettlement.

Denise Gilman, law professor and director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas Law School tells Quartz that the state has no legal basis for its claims, and that the motion “has to be understood only as a political message.” Sure enough, the federal government struck back with a court filing on Friday (Dec. 4) that picked apart the state’s claim, concluding that Texas had no right to refuse refugee admissions.

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Texas withdrew its request for a temporary restraining order (TRO) for resettlement, but it has not dropped the lawsuit and is seeking an injunction.”Our state will continue legal proceedings to ensure we get the information necessary to adequately protect the safety of Texas residents,” Ken Paxton, the state’s attorney general said in a statement. Paxton filed another TRO request on Wednesday (Dec. 9), and was promptly rejected by a federal judge. “The [Texas Health and Human Services] Commission argues that terrorists could have infiltrated the Syrian refugeesand could commit acts of terrorism in Texas. The Court finds that the evidence before it is largely speculative hearsay,”the court wrote.

The IRC would not comment on the lawsuit or the impending legislation. “We understand the issues and concerns of the governor and we are trying to address them to the best of our ability,” said Donna Duvin, executive director of US programs in Dallas, underlining how successful Syrian refugees have been with settling in and “becoming contributing members of the community.”

Experts say Texas has been fighting a losing battle from the very beginning. Admitting refugees lies solely in the purview of the federal government, and states cannot legally refuse to accept immigrants. Refugees are alsoprotected under the 14thamendment of the US constitution, which prohibits discrimination based on nationality, Gilman says. What’s more, she points out, there’s the basic fact that the US has no internal borders, so states can’t ban any group from entering once they are legally in the country.

Faez rejected any fears that terrorists could sneak into the United States by posing as refugees from Syria. The refugee screening process in itself is long and arduous, often taking up to two years, and refugees are the most scrutinized population coming into the United States.

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“They know everything about you when you come to America,” he said.

When rhetoric doesn’t match the record

Texas’s vehement refusal to accept Syrians could stem—in addition to the stated security concerns—in part from the state’s traditional independent streak, and in part from partisan politics.

States’ rights are a battle call in the Lone Star state, championed by its governing elites and representatives in Washington. Fighting the feds could in part be the reason for the state’s adamant opposition to accepting refugees. But it’s not quite that simple, says Gilman. The traditional tension is exacerbated by a Republican governor and a federal government run by a Democratic administration.

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“When [Abbott] was attorney general made very clear that he saw a very important part of his job as waking up each morning and trying to sue the federal government,” she adds. During his campaign for governor, he boasted about filing 30 lawsuitsagainst the Obama administration.

But the antagonism toward refugees by Texas politicians does not match up with the state’s welcoming record. Texas has admitted more than 100,000 refugees over the past two decades, according to figures provided to Quartz by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.

In the past five years, its tally has surpassed any other state, with most of its refugees coming from Myanmar, Iraq, and Somalia.



Every day of winter holds the promise of a day in spring


‘Geography Of Genius’ Explores How Surroundings Influence Ideas : NPR

Interview Highlights

On whether a genius is born or made

Neither. Genius is grown, I believe. And I think we really are hung up on those first two theories. And we have really become to believe that. We really believe that if you look at, say, a Mozart who shows his prodigious talent at a young age, clearly there must be something genetic. It must be all genetic. And I really don’t think that’s true. Increasingly the evidence shows that genetics makes up a relatively small part of the genius puzzle. Geniuses are made, yes. Hard work matters. I don’t deny that some sweat is involved but, it doesn’t explain why you see genius clusters. Why would you see places like Renaissance Florence or Classical Athens or Silicon Valley today having such a concentration of geniuses? Are they all extra hard workers? I don’t think that explains it. I think there’s something in the soil.



Unspoken words


No comment…#wearealive



The 2016 Golden Globes Winners List: ‘The Revenant’ Wins Big


Does it matter where a country’s leader is born? – BBC News

It matters, if the country is the USA! 

Can you be born in Canada and become US president? And does it matter where you are born to become the president or prime minister of other countries?
Three prominent members of the Republican Party have raised the Canada question because Ted Cruz – one of the candidates for the party’s presidential nomination – was born in Calgary, and the US constitution says a president must be a “natural born citizen”.
Donald Trump asked the question whether the Republican Party wanted a candidate “who could be tied up in court for two years” trying to prove he was eligible.
Rand Paul, another rival candidate, joked that Cruz was “without question” qualified to be president of Canada – though Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship earlier this year.
John McCain, the party’s candidate in 2008, said there was a difference between being born on a US military base in Panama, as he was, and being born on “foreign soil”.


Woman Raped by 5 Men in Brooklyn Playground, Police Say – NYTimes.com

The Police Department released surveillance video that it said showed the men in a bodega before the suspected rape. The video shows a group of young black men in hooded sweatshirts and light jackets laughing and smiling. One wore a red backpack.

Islamistul împuşcat mortal joi, la Paris, a trecut prin România, Elveţia, Luxemburg şi Germania





The gostly…Duck



Biserica Alba, Bucureşti, Romania



My mantra, tonight



Today’s Duck, is a unicolored duck


Când trebuie să mâncăm micul dejun şi cina pentru a scapa mai repede de kilogramele în plus


FBI Investigating Philadelphia Jihad Cop-Shooter’s Ties to Larger Islamic Terror Cell | Pamela Geller

The jihadi who declared he tried to assassinate a police officer in the cause of Islam is alleged to be part of a jihad cell. The Muslim shooter “is not the most radical of the four.” But the Mayor of Philly’s insists it has nothing to do with Islam. Mayor Kenney needs to be investigated.

Last night a Philadelphia Police Officer was stopped by a citizen on the street who proceeded to make statements regarding the defendant involved in the shooting ambush on Officer Hartnett, which occurred on January 7, 2016. The citizen alleged the defendant had an affiliation to a group with radical beliefs.


The Philadelphia Police Department has alerted all department personnel of this matter and will continue to have officers work with a partner until further notice.”

NBC10 obtained the document. It says, in part, “the treat to police is not over … the offender who shot [Officer Jesse] Hartnett is part of a group that consists of three others and that the [alleged shooter] is not the most radical of the four.”

“Philadelphia police probe possible extremist ties in police shooting,” By Kevin Murphy, Reuters, January 10, 2016:

(Reuters) – Philadelphia police said on Sunday they were seriously pursuing a tip provided to a street officer on Saturday that the man suspected of shooting police officer Jesse Hartnett had ties to a group with “radical beliefs.”

Police are working with the FBI to verify the credibility of the tip related to the ambush shooting on Thursday, which led to charges of attempted murder, assault and aggravated assault against Edward Archer. He later confessed to the attack and said he pledged allegiance to Islamic State, police said.


Cel mai eficient antiinflamator natural pentru sciatica. Vezi cum il poti folosi |



Today’s duck is a Mandarin Duck


Ce conţine parfumul bărbătesc afrodisiac care le dă femeilor fiori



Nature nurtures


Mexico & the Americas – Los Angeles Times


By  Deborah Bonello

Mexican film and TV actress Kate del Castillo has long been a household name in her home country, known for playing tough female roles and speaking out on social issues.She also has openly expressed admiration for drug kingpins — she played one in her most famous role — and once urged Joaquin “El…

Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president is ‘unsettled’, says Harvard professor Laurence Tribe

Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president is ‘unsettled’, says Harvard professor Laurence Tribe


Sigismund Bathory, principele uşuratic care şi-a întemniţat soţia după noaptea nunţii, părăsit din cauza impotenţei


BBC News: Cologne attacks: New Year’s Eve crime cases top 500

Cologne attacks: New Year’s Eve crime cases top 500 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35277249

Cine a fost Diegio, controversatul personaj despre care se spune că ar fi încheiat pacea cu romanii


Baltimore psychologist pioneers team using psychedelics as ‘sacred’ medicine

Baltimore psychologist pioneers team using psychedelics as ‘sacred’ medicine


Scandalul refugiaţilor aruncă în aer nervii germanilor


“Femeile albe sunt un nimic pentru unii arabi sau islamiști. Ei ne văd ca pe un gunoi. De asta s-au întâmplat agresiunile sexuale de la Koln!” Mesajul dur al unei vedete TV din Marea Britanie (VIDEO)

“Femeile albe sunt un nimic pentru unii arabi sau islamiști. Ei ne văd ca pe un gunoi. De asta s-au întâmplat agresiunile sexuale de la Koln!” Mesajul dur al unei vedete TV din Marea Britanie (VIDEO)


Growing scale of Cologne attacks stokes German debate on migrants


VIDEO Berlin: When the Metro is your Toilet | Pamela Geller


Trump: Hillary ‘enabler’ for Bill Clinton’s infidelity | TheHill

Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton is not a “victim” of her husband’s infidelity, but rather served as an “enabler” for his licentiousness.

“She’s not a victim. She was an enabler,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “She worked with him. She was – some of the women have been totally destroyed. Some of these women have been destroyed. And Hillary worked with him.”
“I mean, there’s no — there’s no feeling sorry for Hillary in this situation,” he added.
Trump said his accusations of adultery, sexual assault and harassment against former President Bill Clinton are “fair game” because he is campaigning for his wife, the Democratic primary front-runner.

“So, I thought it was appropriate, to be honest,” he said. “I thought it was appropriate. He’s campaigning for the wife.”

“So, with all of that happening, I think he’s fair game,” he added.

The billionaire businessman has traded accusations of sexism with the Clintons in recent week as the former president has taken to the campaign trail in Iowa and New Hampshire.

“I have more respect for women than Hillary Clinton has,” he said. “I have more respect than Hillary Clinton, OK?”


Brînză la stors, si uscat



Brînză, Suhardul Moldovenilor, Ciocăneşti , Suceava



Mămăligă cu Jumări, şi cârnați si brînză din bărbănță



La Stînă, Brînză la stors: Muncel, Munții Rodney


Trump: Hillary ‘enabler’ for Bill Clinton’s infidelity | TheHill


Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton is not a “victim” of her husband’s infidelity, but rather served as an “enabler” for his licentiousness.

“She’s not a victim. She was an enabler,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “She worked with him. She was – some of the women have been totally destroyed. Some of these women have been destroyed. And Hillary worked with him.”

“I mean, there’s no — there’s no feeling sorry for Hillary in this situation,” he added.
Trump said his accusations of adultery, sexual assault and harassment against former President Bill Clinton are “fair game” because he is campaigning for his wife, the Democratic primary front-runner.

“So, I thought it was appropriate, to be honest,” he said. “I thought it was appropriate. He’s campaigning for the wife.”

“So, with all of that happening, I think he’s fair game,” he added.

The billionaire businessman has traded accusations of sexism with the Clintons in recent week as the former president has taken to the campaign trail in Iowa and New Hampshire.

“I have more respect for women than Hillary Clinton has,” he said. “I have more respect than Hillary Clinton, OK?”

NYE Terror Attacks: Sexual/Criminal Rapefugee Complaints Climb to 600 and Growing | Pamela Geller

Excerpts from article:  “Growing scale of Cologne attacks stokes German debate on migrants,” Reuters, January 10, 2016:

(FRANKFURT) – Attacks on women in Cologne and other German cities on New Year’s Eve have prompted more than 600 criminal complaints, with police suspicion resting on asylum seekers, putting pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel and her open door migrant policy.

The attacks, mostly targeting women and ranging from theft to sexual molestation, have prompted a highly-charged debate in Germany about its welcoming stance for refugees and migrants, more than one million of whom arrived last year.

The sudden nature of the violent attacks and the fact that they stretched from Hamburg to Frankfurt prompted Germany’s justice minister Heiko Maas to speculate in a newspaper that they had been planned or coordinated.

The debate on migration will be further fueled by the acknowledgement by the authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia that a man shot dead as he tried to enter a Paris police station last week was an asylum seeker with seven identities who lived in Germany.

In Cologne, police said on Sunday that 516 criminal complaints had been filed by individuals or groups in relation to assaults on New Year’s Eve, while police in Hamburg said 133 similar charges had been lodged with the north German city.

Frankfurt also registered complaints, although far fewer.

The investigation in Cologne is focused largely on asylum seekers or illegal migrants from north Africa, police said. They arrested one 19-year-old Moroccan man on Saturday evening.

In Cologne, where a 100-strong force of officers continued their investigations, around 40 percent of the complaints included sexual offences, including two rapes.


The attacks, which prompted violent far-right protests on Saturday, threatens to further erode confidence in Merkel, and could stoke support for the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party ahead of three key state elections in March.

Merkel’s popularity has dwindled as she refused to place a limit on the influx of refugees.

A survey sponsored by state broadcaster ARD showed that while 75 percent of those asked were very happy with Merkel’s work in April last year, only 58 percent were pleased now.

Almost three quarters of those polled said migration was the most important issue for the government to deal with in 2016.

The Cologne attacks also heated up the debate on immigration in neighboring Austria.

“What happened in Cologne is unbelievable and unacceptable,” Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner, a member of the conservative People’s Party that is junior coalition partner to the Social Democrats, told newspaper Oesterreich.

There had been a handful of similar incidents in the border city of Salzburg. “Such offenders should be deported,” she said, backing a similar suggestion by Merkel.

Swiss media contained numerous stories about sexual assaults on women by foreigners, fuelling tensions ahead of a referendum next month that would trigger the automatic deportation of foreigners convicted of some crimes.

In Germany, on Monday, a regional parliamentary commission will quiz police and others about the events on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

The anti-Islam PEGIDA, whose supporters threw bottles and fire crackers at a march in Cologne on Saturday before being dispersed by riot police, will later hold a rally in the eastern German city of Leipzig.

The far-right will likely seize on reports that the Paris attacker, who was shot last week as he wielded a meat cleaver and shouted “Allahu akbar” (God is Greatest), was known to police for drug dealing and harassing women.

He had an apartment in an accommodation center for asylum seekers in Recklinghausen, north of Cologne, where he had painted the symbol of Islamic state on the wall of two rooms.

(Additional reporting by Ralf Bode in Berlin and Michael Shields in Zurich; Editing by Ros Russell)

Previously at Atlas: January 9, 2016EYEWITNESS: 500 Violent Muslims tried to STORM POPULAR NIGHTCLUB in Germany on New Year’s

January 9, 2016: Angela Merkel: “We Must Accept Migrants Are More Criminal” – Used New Year Message for Country to Embrace Millions of “Newcomers”

January 9, 2016: NYE VIDEO Muslim Migrants in Berlin Shoot Guns, Throw Explosives: Cologne New Year violence cases UP TO 379 most Muslim migrants: police

Previously: January 9, 2016:  Police Fire Water Cannons and Pepper Spray at Anti-“Rapefugees” Rally in Cologne But Not Mass Migrant Sex Mobs on NYE

January 8, 2016: Cellphones stolen during Cologne Rape Jihad found at Refugee Housing Centers

January 8, 2016: MORE savage sex attacks: TEEN girls GANG-RAPED by four Syrian ‘REFUGEES’ in Germany

January 8, 2016: Cologne police chief ‘to resign’ following mass sexual attacks against hundreds of women

January 7, 2016: MORE EUROPEAN CITIES report Muslim Sex Attacks on New Year’s Eve: ZURICH, HELSINKI UPDATE: Austria, too

January 7, 2016: LISTEN Pamela Geller on Sean Hannity Radio Show: Muslim Refugee Sex Attack Mobs on New Year’s Eve, Germany

January 7, 2016: Police in Germany covering up extent of sex crimes committed by Muslim migrants, claims Germany’s largest newspaper

January 7, 2016: ‘Angela Merkel invited us!’: Muslim sex mob taunted Cologne police after robbing and raping women

January 7, 2016: More Ghastly Details on the Cologne Muslim Mob Sex Attacks – the Story Atlas Broke FIRST in USA

January 6, 2016: Merkel Under Fire: Hundreds rally against sexual violence after NYE attacks in Cologne

January 6, 2016: Mayor of Cologne Blames the Victims of New Years Eve Sexual Attacks by Muslim Hordes

January 6, 2016: Pamela Geller: New Year’s Eve Rapes in Germany A Wake-Up Call to U.S. Leaders to Stop Muslim Migration from ‘Jihad Nations’

January 5, 2016: VIDEO Shows WILD MUSLIM CHAOS on New Years in Germany, Sex Attacks, Fireworks THROWN at Crowd

January 5, 2016: German police hunt for 1,000 Muslims who sexually assaulted numerous women and threw fireworks into crowds at Cologne train station on New Year’s Eve

January 3, 2016: Large Muslim mobs sexually harass scores of young women on New Years Eve in Germany

Sharia Compliant Swedish Media COVERED-UP Muslim Migrant Sex Attacks for Months @hanne_kjoller @dagensnyheter #depraved | Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller

Sharia Compliant Swedish Media COVERED-UP Muslim Migrant Sex Attacks for Months @hanne_kjoller @dagensnyheter #depraved
ByPAMELA GELLER on January 10, 2016

The cover-up of the Muslim hordes raping and robbing non-Muslim women on New Years Eve goes far beyond the Merkel-media. This is a pattern that has been going on for months.

Take for example, Dagens Nyheter, a daily newspaper in Sweden that “aspires to full national and international coverage.” One of their editorial writers, Hanne Kjøller (above), describes herself as a liberal feminist.And yet she was given a story about a Cologne-like mass sex attack but when she heard the perpetrators were Muslim migrants, she refused to cover the story. Think of the victims who suffered and were silenced by this feminazi.  Leftist female journalists provide cover for this misogynist savagery thereby giving the unauthorized sanction of the victim.
If quislings like Hanne Kjoller want to submit to the sex slave ideology of their masters, that is their prerogative. But to silence the victims and aid and abet the attackers, is criminal, immoral and depraved.  Worse still, Hanne Kjoller not only provides cover and protection for the migrant sexual attackers of scores of young girls, she attacks those that have exposed her perfidy. She is safe in attacking those that oppose jihad and sharia, because she knows we won’t rape, behead or kill her.


Rural kitchen, Romanian coutryside


PROTEST EXTREM ÎN GERMANIA: Artista elvețiană Milo Moire, dezbrăcată la Koln în semn de protest faţă de agresiunile sexuale de Anul Nou | „Respectați-ne! Nu suntem un vânat nici chiar când suntem goale!” | Nasul.tv


France 24 : Mixed success for France’s ‘open mosques’ weekend

Mixed success for France’s ‘open mosques’ weekend


France 24 : Failed Paris attacker lived in German refugee shelter

Failed Paris attacker lived in German refugee shelter


Kingpin’s sons’ threats

Kingpin’s sons’ threats

From NPR News

1 Year, More Than 75,000 Miles: Cyclist Breaks 76-Year-Old Record http://n.pr/1UD03fG

BBC News: Poland summons German ambassador over politicians’ comments

Poland summons German ambassador over politicians’ comments – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35276531