Road Through the Redwoods… Michael Frye


Road Through the Redwoods: Michael Frye

I included this image in my blog post yesterday, but thought I would post it here on Facebook as well. This is another photograph from last Thursday morning, when we had those beautiful sunbeams cutting through the fog. It was one of those rare times when everything seemed to come together, and the scene practically composed itself.

#landscapephotography  #redwoods   #redwoodnationalpark   #sunbeams  

5 responses to “Road Through the Redwoods… Michael Frye

  1. Beautiful photo, the light streaming through the trees is delightful, contrasted with the strength of the redwoods.
    It reminds me of a book about trees that I read recently, and have been telling everyone about, called ‘the hidden life of trees’. I think you’ve captured the essence of these trees 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent. It seems unreal yet nature presents itself showing us how it could be if we would only respect it.
    Shalom aleichem,

    Liked by 1 person

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