Tag Archives: Eating

Train Your Brain to Eat Healthy

Train Your Brain to Eat Healthy

It is not easy to pass up French fries in favor of carrot sticks, but proper brain training can make it easier. Following a high-fiber, high-protein, low-carb diet seems to alter the way people’s brains respond to food, making healthier foods more appealing. After six months of following this diet, overweight and obese men and women showed changes in activity in the reward centers of their brains indicating greater enjoyment of healthier foods and decreased sensitivity to unhealthy, higher-calorie foods. They also lost significantly more weight than a control group not on the diet. More… Discuss


Idea of Gaining Weight “Terrifies” Some Young UK Teens

The results of a survey on body image and weightfixation in 13-year-old schoolchildren in the UK have doctors concerned. They show that about half of girls and a third of boys are “a little worried” by the thought of getting fat, while nearly 12 percent of the former and 5 percent of the latter are “terrified” by it. Though eating disorders are not typically diagnosed in kids so young, about a quarter of the girls and 15 percent of the boys surveyed were already exhibiting eating disorder behaviors such as fasting. More… Discuss


More Men Developing Eating Disorders

More Men Developing Eating Disorders

British National Health Service data show a 66 percent increase in hospital admissions for men with eating disorders over the past decade. The figures challenge the commonly held belief that eating disorders only affect women. It is estimated that up to 20 percent of Britain’s more than one million eating disorder sufferers are male. Unfortunately, many men are still reluctant to seek treatment, and this, coupled with the fact that doctors often do not recognize the signs of eating disorders in men, means that many go untreated. More… Discuss