Tag Archives: Ratification Day

today’s holiday: Ratification Day (2015)

Ratification Day (2015)

The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783, and was ratified on January 14, 1784, officially ending the American Revolution. The Old Senate Chamber in the Maryland State House at Annapolis has been preserved exactly as it was when the ratification took place, and, on its anniversary, the flag of 1784—with 12 stars in a circle and the 13th in the center—flies over the State House and many other buildings in Annapolis. The ceremony that takes place inside varies from year to year, but it often revolves around a particular aspect of the original event. More… Discuss


Ratification Day

Though most people associate the end of the American Revolution with the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the war was not officially ended until the Treaty of Paris was ratified on January 14, 1784. The Old Senate Chamber in the Maryland State House at Annapolis has been preserved exactly as it was when the ratification took place. On Ratification Day, the ceremony that takes place inside varies from year to year, but it often revolves around a particular aspect of the original event. More… Discuss


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