Tag Archives: Robert Mugabe

today’s birthday: Robert Mugabe (1924)

Robert Mugabe (1924)

Mugabe has served as the head of the government of Zimbabwe since 1980, after rising to prominence in the 1970s as leader of a Marxist-inspired guerrilla war against the government of Rhodesia. Though he remains a hero to some for his role in the independence movement, his administration now faces accusations of corruption, suppression of political opposition, mishandling of land reform, and human rights abuses. What 2005 movie was banned by his office amid claims that it is CIA propaganda? More… Discus


Zimbabwe Independence Day

Like much of Africa, the area that is now Zimbabwe was long controlled by Europeans. In 1922, the 34,000 European settlers chose to become a self-governing British colony, Southern Rhodesia; in 1923, Southern Rhodesia was annexed by the British Crown. A fight for independence took place in the 1970s. An independent constitution was written for Zimbabwe in London in 1979, and independence followed on April 18, 1980. Independence Day is celebrated in every city and district of the nation with political rallies, parades, traditional dances, singing, and fireworks. More…Discuss

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