Tag Archives: tsar of Russia

this day in the yesteryear: Ivan the Terrible Crowned Tsar of Russia (1547)

Ivan the Terrible Crowned Tsar of Russia (1547)

Following his parents’ deaths, Ivan IV became the first ruler of Russia to assume the title “czar” and to pursue a czarist autocracy by limiting the power of the Russian nobility. He also expanded Russian influence by conquering Kazan and Astrakhan, acquiring Siberia, and seeking better access to the Baltic Sea. A serious illness and the death of his wife, however, caused Ivan to become increasingly tyrannical and volatile. Why did Ivan murder his son—and only viable heir—in 1581? More… Discuss


Alexander III of Russia (1845)

Alexander III was tsar of Russia from 1881 until his death in 1894. As ruler, he sought to counteract what he considered the excessive liberalism of his father’s reign and pursued a reactionary policy that promoted Russification and the persecution of religious minorities. Still, economic policy during Alexander’s rule enabled rapid industrial development and allowed Russia to begin building the Trans-Siberian Railroad. To which of Alexander’s relatives was his wife, Dagmar, originally engaged? More…Discuss


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