Faux Figures from WordPress — Oh no!!

NOt for me either!



WordPress is a great organization. Really, lots of support, recognition to many people. Not to me, but lots of other people. And most of it is for free. From templates to tech support, I get more service from WordPress than I would get from most blogging services at any price. But I think this time, WordPress has made a serious mistake and they need to rethink this thing.

Followers. Imagine my astonishment to discover that from my previous day’s statistic that counts my number of followers — 280 — I am now showing the world that I have 1,605 followers. I know I had a good day Wednesday, but I don’t think I gained more than 1,300 followers between Wednesday and Thursday. If I have that many followers, where are the hits?

Even if a mere 10% of them dropped by, that would give me a base 160…

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One response to “Faux Figures from WordPress — Oh no!!

  1. Thanks for the reblog. I’m not going to publish those numbers. It’s a cheat. Maybe it’s a harmless cheat, but I don’t care for it.


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