BBC News – Egypt’s Coptic Christians pay price of political tumult


BBC News – Egypt’s Coptic Christians pay price of political tumult.

6 responses to “BBC News – Egypt’s Coptic Christians pay price of political tumult

  1. I’m “liking” this as a sign of support … but it breaks my heart.


    • It does, it brought tears to my eyes…With all my dry eyes…and let them dry… Why do we chose to do nothing?
      Why did we allow terrorism to rule in Egypt?


  2. Well done you George – I’m with you all the way…


    • Thanks Valerie, There were some old friends from home who recognized my call for observance!
      I appreciate very much your good word, and pray with you! For all of us everywhere!

      God Be With You!


  3. Tragic… one of the oldest Christian communities in the world…


    • It is our fault…We allow this persecution to occur, and lauds the perpetrators…I wrote few post, post few prayers, wrote to the Vatican, posted Mozard’s Missa Brevis Sunday…Now and in the past for Syria, especially, But this seems to be a one man crusade… And old at that!
      And yes, I pray, often for their survival!


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