Today’s Birthday: HANNAH ARENDT (1906)

Hannah Arendt (1906)

Jewish political philosopher Hannah Arendt fled Germany for France and then the US following Hitler’s rise to power in 1933. Her reputation as a scholar and writer was firmly established with the publication of The Origins of Totalitarianism, which linked Nazism and Communism to 19th-century imperialism and anti-Semitism. Her next major publication, The Human Condition, likewise received wide acclaim. What controversial concept did she put forth in her Eichmann in JerusalemMore… Discuss


2 responses to “Today’s Birthday: HANNAH ARENDT (1906)

  1. Pingback: A very good and rightly criticaI review of the film about Hannah Arendt | Cool lady blog

  2. Pingback: Hannah Arendt and thinking | Cool lady blog

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