Mobile application that prepares people for emergencies

Emergency Department Tuesday released DSU application for mobile phones that is designed to prepare populations to cope with emergency situations through access to information, alerts and education.
“We want to get closer to the population. Today we take another step – launching an application that currently goes two phone systems: the system that uses the iPhone and the system they use phones that run on Android and will, I hope, in the shortest time to succeed to enter and mobile systems using Windows. Is an application that is meant to bring us closer to the population. (…) Any country can receive dispatch information through this application if it is relevant, “said Secretary of State Tuesday in Raed Arafat, in a press conference, according to Agerpres.
The application can be downloaded free from the App Store and Google Play. “DSU” has four components: information, alerting, reporting and learning.
The information section of the app users will find the latest news from emergency situations, at source. Inspectorates for Emergency Situations Inspectorate General of Aviation, Emergency Services, SMURD and Rescue will provide information of interest to users DSU application.
Through the “Alert” application will be grouped in one place all the information about emergency situations occurring in Romania. Thus, weather alerts, the floods, blocked roads etc. will be found in this section.
By the “reporting” people have the opportunity to support emergency services personnel. Thus, anyone who witnesses an emergency, be it flood, landslide, fire or accident, you can send photos and video by the Department for Emergency Situations. Thus, the action of the emergency services can be improved through access to images from the early moments of the spot.
Through the “learning” users have access to dozens of articles about behavior in case of earthquake, flood, fire, first aid and rescue measures that can be taken faster if we face an emergency. As a novelty, the lessons come with tests where verifiable knowledge gained by studying articles.
According to the Secretary of State Raed Arafat, the application SMURD Foundation is funded by extra-budgetary funds amounting to 17,000 euros which includes and maintenance.–217303265.html

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