Tag Archives: Blue

Blue, White and Green (Nature’s Music)

Blue, White and Green

White clouds, blue skies, all seen through the green branches of the trees, with a background of running breeze through the fresh, green leafage…If we are lucky enough we can just let it fill us with the miracle of nature we take for granted every moment because:
There is nothing to replace it, nothing to act as its surrogate, nothing in waiting, after all this natural creation is destroyed.
Respect and preserve nature, find its meaning keep it clean, as you would your garden…It is your garden!

This insignificant video was taken under a tree along the trail at Turnbull Canyon, yesterday. Enjoy!
This is my personal video: As such it cannot be used by any for profit organization, including any TV station in the USA, or Abroad (this selection does not appear anywhere in the long list…)

Catherine Feeny – Mr. Blue

Uploaded on Aug 2, 2007

Album: Hurricane Glass (Tallgrass/Charisma)
Director: Graydon Sheppard (Revolver Film Co.)