Tag Archives: Camera

Accompany me on a road bike outing: San Gabriel River Bikeway: Destination Seal Beach River End Cafe (SPEEDIFIED X6)

Quotation: Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation. Charlotte Bronte

Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.

Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) Discuss

this pressed: Instagram unveils new time-lapse app called Hyperlapse – BBC Newsbeat

Instagram unveils new time-lapse app called Hyperlapse – BBC Newsbeat.

today’s birthday: George Eastman (1854)

George Eastman (1854)

In the late 1800s, Eastman invented roll film, devised the Kodak camera, and founded the Eastman Kodak Company. His affordable cameras were an essential part of the development of photography as a popular hobby, and his experiments with Thomas Edison made motion pictures possible. Known for his philanthropy, Eastman donated $100 million to various institutions. In his later years, he suffered from a debilitating spinal disorder and committed suicide in 1932. What were his last words? More… Discuss

Creativity, by George-B (“My creativity, my word…They don’t live within…”)

Creativity, by George-B

My creativity, my word…They don’t live within…
If I was to find the center of my word
I would look everywhere,
I would look upon my deep breathing pattern…
I took long walks strapped to a photo camera, to a reorder…
creativity came though, after I stumbled upon a rock,
kicked a pebble,
stepped over a fallen branch
took on more step,
with a well broken in PUMA running shoes –
I understood that humility travels with the maker…by walking carefully,
Stumble upon it, and feel with all your being. 

Enhanced by Zemanta

A Website I will visit again: FlixelPix Photography (Freedom Through Photography)

FlixelPix Photography(Freedom Through Photography)

FlixelPix Photography(Freedom Through Photography) (click to access Site)

The evolution of the Fujifilm X-range of cameras has been particularly impressive with the power and versatility of the flagship X-Pro1 being made available in even more affordable and portable packages. – See more at: http://www.flixelpix.com/#sthash.573AW1lv.dpuf

In the News: New Camera Allows Refocusing of Photos

New Camera Allows Refocusing of Photos

A newly launched company called Lytro will debut a light-field camera that some say will bring the biggest change to the field of photography since the inception of digital photography. The camera will produce what the company calls “living pictures,” photographs whose focus may be adjusted after they have been taken and that may be easily switched from 2D to 3D. Multiple internal lenses that capture much more light than a normal camera and at multiple angles allow the camera’s photographs to be manipulated in this way. More… Discuss