Tag Archives: Congressional Medal of Honor

Today’s Birthday: RICHARD EVELYN BYRD (1888)

Richard Evelyn Byrd (1888)

A pioneer in aviation and exploration, Byrd was a member of the first expeditions to fly over the North and South Poles, undertaken in 1926 and 1929 respectively. The North Pole flight earned him a Congressional Medal of Honor and helped him secure funding for his subsequent expeditions, like the one to Antarctica two years later. From the base he established there, he went on to explore and map large areas of the continent. Why do some believe he was undeserving of the Medal of Honor? More… Discuss


Today’s Birthday: EDWARD “EDDIE” RICKENBACKER (1890)

Edward “Eddie” Rickenbacker (1890)

A skilled American racecar driver, Rickenbacker entered World War I as a driver but soon became a fighter pilot. He shot down 26 enemy aircraft, earning the Congressional Medal of Honor and the moniker “Ace of Aces.” After a failed foray into automobile manufacturing, he ran several airlines for General Motors and eventually acquired one of them. In 1942, his plane was lost while on a tour of military bases in the Pacific, and he was presumed dead, but he was rescued after how many days adrift? More…Discuss