Tag Archives: great strides

BHIMRAO RAMJI AMBEDKAR (1891) an untouchable and a law minister

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891)

A member of the caste of Dalits—once known as Untouchables—Ambedkar obtained his education abroad. He returned to his native India and worked in law before entering politics. In 1947, he became the law minister of the government of India and was instrumental in framing the Indian constitution. In that capacity, he made great strides in fighting for the rights of Dalits, even criticizing Gandhi’s position on the caste system. How did the two Indian leaders differ in their approaches? More… Discuss



Stretchy Battery a Promising Power Source

In recent years, engineers have made great strides in the fields offlexible and stretchable electronics. However, their progress has been somewhat hampered by a lack of similarly flexible battery technology—that is, until now. Researchers have successfully demonstrated a flat, stretchable battery that maintains its power and performance even when extended to three times its original size. The battery can also be charged wirelessly, meaning it could someday be used to power implantable medical devices, among other things. More… Discuss